Meeting Date: February 10, 2025
Subject: Appointments to the Advisory Council on Aging
Submitted For: Marla Stuart, Director
Department: Employment and Human Services
Referral No: N/A
Referral Name: Appointments to Advisory Bodies
Presenter: Tracy Murray, Aging and Adult Services Director
Contact: Tracy Murray, (925) 608-4805
Referral History:
On January 7, 2020, the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 2020/1 adopting policy amendments governing appointments to boards, committees, and commissions that are advisory to the Board of Supervisors. Included in this resolution was a requirement that applications for at-large/countywide seats be reviewed by a Board of Supervisors committee.
The Advisory Council on Aging (ACOA) provides a means for county-wide planning, cooperation and coordination for individuals and groups interested in improving and developing services and opportunities for the older residents of this County. The Council provides leadership and advocacy on behalf of older persons and serves as a channel of communication and information on aging.
The Advisory Council on Aging consists of 40 members serving 2-year staggered terms, each ending on September 30. The Council consists of representatives of the target population and the general public, including older low-income and military persons; at least one-half of the membership must be made up of actual consumers of services under the Area Plan. The Council includes: 19 representatives recommended from each Local Committee on Aging, 1 representative from the Nutrition Project Council, 1 Retired Senior Volunteer Program, and 19 Members at-Large.
Pursuant to the ACOA Bylaws, the ACOA may recommend for appointment up to four (4) alternate Member-at-Large (MAL) members, who shall serve and vote in place of members (City or MAL) who are absent from, or who are disqualifying themselves from participating in a meeting of the ACOA.
The Area Agency on Aging, the ACOA and the Clerk of the Board, using Contra Costa TV (CCTV), assisted with recruitment. Area Agency on Aging staff has encouraged interested individuals including minorities to apply through announcements provided at the Senior Coalition meetings and at the regular monthly meetings of the ACOA. The Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD) website contains dedicated web content where interested members of the public are encouraged to apply. The website provides access to the Board of Supervisors' official application with instructions on whom to contact for ACOA related inquiries, including application procedures.
Referral Update:
Chalo Buckman submitted an application for ACOA membership. The City of Oakley recommended Chalo Buckman to serve as the ACOA’s City of Oakley’s representative on January 14, 2025.
Sarah Green submitted an application for ACOA membership. The City of Hercules recommended Sarah Green to serve as the ACOA’s City of Hercules representative on December 10, 2024.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors the appointment of Chalo Buckman to the City of Oakley Local Seat with a term ending September 30, 2025 and Sarah Green to the City of Hercules Local Seat with a term ending September 30, 2026 on the Advisory Council on Aging.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
There is no fiscal impact for this action.