To: Board of Supervisors
From: Anna Roth, Health Services Director
Report Title: Purchase Order with Almar Marina Management Holdco, Inc.
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute on behalf of the Health Services Director, a purchase order with Almar Marina Management Holdco, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $9,000, and related agreement to lease a storage unit for the ROAR (Room to Overcome, Achieve and Recover) Program at 1160 Brickyard Cove in Richmond for the period from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027.
Approval of this action will result in expenditures of up to $9,000 over a three-year period and will be funded by Mental Health Services Act Innovation Grant funds.
Room to Overcome, Achieve, and Recover (ROAR) is an outpatient specialty youth mental health and substance use treatment program. The program is a pilot project funded by the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Innovation Grant and serves youth ages 13-18 years old who receive Medi-Cal benefits or who are uninsured. The multi-disciplinary team consists of a program manager, program supervisor, therapist, substance use counselor, peer specialist, and accredited teacher. The three main components of the program are education, mental health, and substance use. The storage unit is used to store program assets including outdoor gear, camping supplies, bicycles, and other equipment.
The vendor went through a change in ownership as we initiated the renewal process causing significant delays with legal review and gathering all the necessary documentation for this request. Contra Costa County Behavioral Health is committed to starting every agreement 4-6 months in advance and will do our best to avoid retroactive requests in the future.
In order to store program supplies at the Vendor’s facilities, the county must agree to the general terms included in the Vendor’s Boat Mooring Agreement. The agreement requires the County to indemnify and hold Marina harmless from any claim for damage to county’s property, including loss or damages arising from Marina’s negligence. This includes a liability waiver for Marina and its agents and employees for any claims of injury or death, including claims arising from Marina’s negligence. The county also agrees to indemnify Marina for illegal dumping. The agreement expressly limits the Marina’s liability to $1,000 or one month’s fees, whichever is greater.
If the storage unit is not available, Behavioral Health Services will not be meeting the requirements of the funding source. Additionally, the program will not be able to meet a primary goal of the ROAR model.