Contra Costa County Header
File #: 24-2707    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Passed
File created: 8/26/2024 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 9/10/2024 Final action: 9/10/2024
Title: APPROVE the FY 2024/25 Budgets for the Congestion Management Agency and the Regional Transportation Planning Committees, and a total County contribution of $410,491 to these budgets, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director. (100% gas tax and Measure J funds)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A - CMA & RTPC FY24-25 Budget Report

To:                                          Board of Supervisors

From:                                          John Kopchik, Director, Conservation and Development

Report Title:                     Report on FY 2024/25 Budgets for the Congestion Management Agency and the Regional Transportation Planning Committees

Recommendation of the County Administrator Recommendation of Board Committee



APPROVE the Fiscal Year 2024/25 budget for the Congestion Management Agency (CMA), a function performed by the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (Authority), and APPROVE FY 2024/25 County contributions of $294,901 to the CMA and $115,590 to the Regional Transportation Planning Committees that assist with implementing Measure J (2004), as required by prior agreements.




No impact to the General Fund. The County contributions to the Congestion Management Agency and the Regional Transportation Planning Committees are accounted for and funded from the annual operating budgets approved by the Board of Supervisors for the Public Works Department and the Department of Conservation and Development, using gas tax and Measure J Return-to-Source revenue.




The agreement that created the County's Congestion Management Agency (CMA) requires referral of its budget to member jurisdictions. The Regional Transportation Planning Committees (RTPCs) were established by the County and the cities to facilitate cooperative multi-jurisdictional transportation planning in the four subregions of the County, pursuant to the Measure J Transportation Improvement and Growth Management Program. Some RTPCs require member jurisdictions to review their proposed annual budgets. The Board of Supervisors takes this action annually.


This Board Order also recommends approval of the budgeted financial contribution from Contra Costa County to the CMA and the RTPCs for FY 2024/25, as required by agreements creating these entities.


Exhibit "A" compares the FY 2024/25 CMA and RTPC budgets and the proposed County contribution to these entities to prior years. The sub-headings below explain the budgets for each Agency/Committee in further detail.


Contra Costa Transportation Authority (Authority)

The Authority was created in 1988 to manage funds generated by a special half-cent transportation sales tax ("Measure C"), which was approved by voters to fund local transportation projects. The Authority also administers the related voter-approved growth management program requirements. Measure J extended this sales tax and growth management program to 2034. In 1992, the County and local cities entered into a Joint Powers Agreement to designate the Authority as the County's CMA, pursuant to Proposition 111 (1990). Although California law no longer requires each county to have a designated CMA, the local jurisdictions have continued to support the CMA to facilitate the receipt and expenditure of state and federal transportation funds administered by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC).


Contra Costa County's annual contribution to the CMA is based on two components: 1) the formula [population and road miles] used by the State to distribute Proposition 111 gas tax revenue to cities and counties, and 2) the amount of state and federal revenue received by the Authority to fund CMA functions. The Authority primarily uses federal (Surface Transportation Program, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality) and state (State Transportation Planning, Programming, and Monitoring Program) revenues to fund CMA activities. However, if these revenues are insufficient, member agencies contribute the balance based on the aforementioned formula. As noted in the attached spreadsheet, local contributions are estimates due to the inability to accurately project fluctuating federal and state revenues.


For FY 2024/25, the Authority’s overall budget is $210,622,039. The Authority’s Budget for FY 2024/25 for its CMA function is $7,393,028. The County contribution is $294,901, a $155,078 increase (approximately 111%) from the previous fiscal year’s $139,823 contribution. The CMA budget was approved by the Public Managers Association in May 2024. The highlights of the Planning/CMA budget include:


                     $600,000 for CMA Support and Countywide Transportation Planning

                     $400,000 for Regional Planning Tasks

                     $250,000 for Countywide Comprehensive Safety Action Plan

                     $200,000 for Data Repository and Performance Metrics

                     $150,000 for Broadband Local Agency Technical Support

                     $150,000 for Senate Bill 743 Implementation and Vehicle Miles Traveled Support

                     $150,000 for Congestion Management Program Monitoring


Southwest Area Transportation (SWAT) Committee

SWAT is the RTPC established for the jurisdictions within the San Ramon Valley and the Lamorinda area. Administrative support, currently provided by contracting with the City of San Ramon, consists of compiling and distributing agendas, staff support at Committee meetings, providing summaries of each meeting, and coordinating the SWAT Technical Advisory Committee. SWAT is funded by equal contributions from the six participating jurisdictions. At the beginning of each billing period, which mirrors the fiscal year, SWAT provides an estimated annual budget and member jurisdiction dues.


However, SWAT is unique among the RTPCs in that the jurisdictions are billed the actual annual member dues at the end of the billing period for the prior fiscal year. For FY 2023/24, the actual SWAT budget was $ 29,359.50. The actual County contribution to SWAT for FY 2023/24 is $4,893.25. For FY 2024/25, the proposed SWAT budget and the County contribution will be $48,735 and $8,123, respectively. The proposed budget is comprised of $38,735 for SWAT administrative services and $10,000 for SWAT website maintenance.


Transportation Partnership and Cooperation (TRANSPAC) Committee

TRANSPAC is the RTPC established for the jurisdictions in North-Central Contra Costa. A Managing Director, who is contracted by TRANSPAC, provides administrative support. For FY 2024/25, the TRANSPAC budget is $ 407,500. This budget amount includes $336,000 for administrative costs, a $41,500 project reserve set aside for the future "I-680/Monument Boulevard Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Feasibility Study", and a $30,000 contingency. Half of the annual total member jurisdiction dues to TRANSPAC is apportioned equally to the six participating jurisdictions, while the other half is apportioned based on the jurisdictions’ share of population and road mileage in the TRANSPAC area. For FY 2024/25, the County member contribution is $48,341.


Transportation Planning Committee for East Contra Costa County (TRANSPLAN) TRANSPLAN Committee is the RTPC established for jurisdictions in Eastern Contra Costa. The Department of Conservation and Development provides the administrative support to the TRANSPLAN Committee, pursuant to a joint powers agreement that funds staff time and materials. The budget provides for administrative support to the TRANSPLAN Committee and its technical advisory committee, staff support to represent the Committee before other entities, and the ability to carry out the decisions of the Committee. The budget is funded by equal contributions from the five participating jurisdictions. The total FY 2024/25 TRANSPLAN budget is $38,865. When a FY 2023/24 budget surplus of $22,789.84 is applied to the FY 2024/25 TRANSPLAN budget, the result is a net total budget of $16,074.88. The County contribution is $3,215.


Tri-Valley Transportation Council (TVTC)

TVTC, consisting of Contra Costa County and Alameda County jurisdictions in the Tri-Valley area, adopted a Joint Exercise of Powers (JEPA) agreement in 2013, formally establishing it as an independent entity. Responsibility for administrative support rotates every two years among the participating jurisdictions. The TVTC budget for FY 2024/25 is $90,700. Budget revenues are generated from an average annual 1% "set aside" of the subregional transportation development impact fees and cover the agency's normal operating expenditures. Thus, the County does not contribute to TVTC.


West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee (WCCTAC)

WCCTAC is the RTPC established for jurisdictions and transit agencies in West Contra Costa. WCCTAC has its own dedicated staff, headed by an executive director. WCCTAC's full budget consists of the budget for WCCTAC Operations (Advisory Committee), WCCTAC Traffic Demand Management (TDM), WCCTAC Sub-regional Transportation Mitigation Program (STMP), and "Other Reimbursable (Special Projects)". The FY 2024/25 full budget for WCCTAC is $13,032,446. Member jurisdiction dues support WCCTAC Operations. WCCTAC consists of nine member jurisdictions, each with one seat/vote, except the City of Richmond, which has three, for eleven total seats/votes. The member jurisdiction dues are determined by dividing the WCCTAC Operations budget (after deductions from other funding sources) by the number of seats held; therefore, the County pays one-eleventh (9.1%) of WCCTAC's Operations budget. The FY 2024/25 Operations budget for WCCTAC is $ 657,484, and the County member contribution is $55,911.



If not accepted, County staff will have no direction on how to fulfill fiscal and policy obligations relative to funding the Congestion Management Agency and the Regional Transportation Planning Committees.