Contra Costa County Header
File #: 25-521    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/13/2025 In control: Public Protection Committee
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: CONSIDER receiving a report from the Animal Services Department on Animal Services operations and medical services, and provide direction to staff, as needed. (Ben Winkleblack, Animal Services Director)
Attachments: 1. CCAS PPC Presentation 2.18.25
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Meeting Date:  February 18, 2025

Subject:  Animal Services Center Operations Update

Submitted For: Ben Winkleblack, Animal Services Director

Department: Animal Services Department

Referral Name: Animal Services Department Operations Updates

Presenter: Ben Winkleblack, Animal Services Director



Referral History:

On May 23, 2023, the Board of Supervisors referred the Contra Costa Animal Servies (CCAS) Department to the Public Protection Committee (PPC) to provide an update on its center operations. The update would inform the Board and the public of the operational performance measures of CCAS, including animal shelter intake and outcomes.


On July 3, 2023, the Department presented the animal shelter’s challenges, which other animal welfare organizations share both nationally and statewide. The pressing issue CCAS presented was the limited capacity to serve a growing animal shelter population. The PPC requested that CCAS return with a draft proposal for Measure X funding and strategies to address the following areas:

                     Increasing public access to low cost spay and neuter clinics,

                     Building more robust foster and adoption programs, and

                     Increasing CCAS community adoption and vaccine events.


On February 6, 2024, the Board of Supervisor’s referred CCAS to the PPC to provide a status on the FY 2023/24 operations and community engagement updates, along with the FY 2024/25 plan on increasing service delivery operations and community services.


On March 4, 2024, CCAS provided a report to the PPC with information on low-cost spay and neuter services, community outreach and engagement, and additional funding sources to support community-based services. During this discussion, the PPC requested that CCAS return to the Committee with information regarding backyard breeding issues in the County and areas where city partnerships and support are needed.


On June 3, 2024, CCAS provided a report to the PPC regarding the challenges with enforcing mandatory spay and neuter ordinances and overall backyard breeding limitations. The PPC requested that CCAS return to the Committee with additional information on whether all 18 cities in the county have formally adopted the County’s Ordinance Code section 416 and provide the Committee with additional recommendations. The Committee also requested that County Ordinance Code section 416-6.216 (b) be amended to replace two antiquated terms with "female”.


On October 7, 2024, CCAS provided a report to the PPC on the topic of mandatory spay and neuter requirements, including the pros and cons and further considerations for the Committee and Board to be informed of. The most notable considerations were funding needed to staff enforcement services and the direct impact of increasing license fees and how a mandatory spay and neuter ordinance could create an environment where compliance would limited only to those who can afford the high costs of spay/neuter. The Committee requested that CCAS return to the next PPC meeting, as well as representation from the County Counsel’s Office, to discuss legal implications of a mandatory spay and neuter ordinance.


Referral Update:

Please see the attached update from CCAS, which will be presented by the Animal Services Director, Ben Winkleblack.


Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):

RECEIVE the report from the Animal Services Department on Animal Services operations and medical services, and provide direction to staff, as needed.


Fiscal Impact (if any):

There is no fiscal impact for receiving this report.