To: Board of Supervisors
From: Esa Ehmen-Krause, County Probation Officer
Report Title: Purchase One Sprinter Van for Post-Release Community Supervision Unit
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE Budget Amendment No. BDA-24-00767 authorizing the transfer of appropriations in the amount of $108,931 from Probation Programs (0308) to Public Works - Fleet Operations (0063) for the purchase of one sprinter van for Post-Release Community Supervision.
This action increases revenue in Public Works - Fleet Operations (0063) and reduces appropriations by $108,931 in Probation Programs (0308). The purchase of these vehicles will be funded by Assembly Bill 109 (AB 109) Public Safety Realignment funds.
In 2011, the California Legislature passed public safety legislation AB109 that shifted responsibility of certain populations of offenders from the State to the County. AB 109 established the California Public Safety Realignment Act of 2011 which allows for non-violent, non-serious, non-sex offenders to be supervised at the local county level opposed to state parole offices. Those sentenced to local commitments for crimes that would have previously resulted in prison sentences are released from jail and placed on Mandatory Supervision, supervised by the Probation Department. The goal is to ensure Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS) clients have the best possible chance to avoid further negative contact with the justice system.
The Probation Department is using a portion of AB 109 funds to purchase one sprinter van to serve as a mobile office. Transportation continues to be a barrier for many probation clients that are reentering the community. Mobile Probation Offices allow the Probation Department to connect and deliver critical services to our high-risk vulnerable clients in an effort to prevent recidivism and enhance community safety. The ability to deliver treatment classes in the community will allow the Probation Department to reach clients that are often unable to attend classes due to transportation and financial barriers.
If unapproved, appropriations will not be properly allocated and the department will be unable to purchase a sprinter van. Further, the department will not be able to utilize a mobile service delivery model to facilitate treatment classes in the community.