To: Board of Supervisors
From: Marla Stuart, Employment and Human Services Director
Report Title: FY 24-25 Budget Rebalance
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
Approve Budget Amendment No. BDA-24-01068 authorizing an adjustment to Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD), Administrative Bureau (0501), Children and Family Services Bureau (0502), Aging and Adult Services Bureau (0503), Workforce Services Bureau (0504), In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority (0508), Workforce Development Board (0583) and Community Services Bureau (0588 and 0589) expenditure and revenue budgets as part of the EHSD’s FY 2024/25 Budget Rebalance (Mid-Year Adjustment) as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Director.
The Employment and Human Services Department, as part of the FY 2024/25 budget rebalancing, has identified the need for corrections to the FY 2024/25 budget to better align the expenditure and revenue expectations for FY 2024/25. There is a redistribution in both the expenditure and revenue budgets within each bureau with a total increase of both expenditure and revenue budgets of $5,599,630 for EHSD. There is no change to the net county cost for FY 2024/25.
This action is to adjust the expenditure and revenue budgets to more accurately reflect budgetary requirements for the Administrative Bureau (0501), Children and Family Services Bureau (0502), Aging and Adult Services Bureau (0503), Workforce Services Bureau (0504), In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority (0508), Workforce Development Board (0583) and Community Services Bureau (0588 and 0589) for FY 2024/25. The Employment and Human Services Department, as part of the FY 2024/25 budget rebalancing, has identified the need for corrections to the FY 2024/25 budget to better align the expenditure and revenue expectations for FY 2024/25.
Appropriations and estimated revenues will not be properly reflected in the FY 24/25 budget.
The Employment and Human Services Department supports all five of the community outcomes established in the Children's Report Card: (1) "Children Ready for and Succeeding in School"; (2) "Children and Youth Healthy and Preparing for Productive Adulthood";(3)"Families that are Economically Self-Sufficient"; (4) "Families that are Safe, Stable and Nurturing"; and (5) "Communities that are Safe and Provide a High Quality of Life for Children and Families,” by effectively managing the budgets for each bureau within EHSD.