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File #: RES 2025-41    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/22/2025 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: ADOPT Resolution No. 2025-41 declaring February 2025 Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Director.
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To:                                          Board of Supervisors

From:                                          Marla Stuart, Employment and Human Services Director

Report Title:                     Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Recommendation of the County Administrator Recommendation of Board Committee



ADOPT a resolution declaring February 2025 Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Director.



There is no fiscal impact for this action.



February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM).  This is an issue that impacts everyone - not just teens - but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well.  Together, we can raise the nation’s awareness about teen dating violence and promote safe, healthy relationships.


Nationwide, youth age 12 to 19 experience the highest rates of rape and sexual assault. Studies show that approximately 10% of adolescents report being the victim of physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner. Girls are particularly vulnerable to experiencing violence in their relationships and are more likely to suffer long-term behavioral and health consequences, including suicide attempts, eating disorders, and drug use.


Adolescents in abusive relationships often carry these unhealthy patterns of violence into future relationships.  Indeed, children who are victimized or witness violence frequently bring this experience with them to the playground, the classroom, later into teen relationships and, ultimately, they can end up the victims and perpetrators of adult intimate partner violence.


Recognizing and participating in Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM) is one way Contra Costa County can help break the cycle of violence.



Contra Costa County would not bring attention to this serious issue.



This resolution supports all five of Contra Costa County’s community outcomes of the Children’s Report Card: (1) “Children Ready for and Succeeding in School”; (2) “Children and Youth Healthy and Preparing for Productive Adulthood”; (3) “Families that are Economically Self-Sufficient”; (4) “Families that are Safe, Stable and Nurturing”; and (5) “Communities that are Safe and Provide a High Quality of Life for Children and Families.”

The Board of Supervisors of Contra Costa County, California


IN THE MATTER OF proclaiming February 2025 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month in Contra Costa County:


WHEREAS, teen dating violence is a serious public health issue defined as physical, psychological, or sexual abuse; harassment; or stalking of any person ages 12 to 18 in a past or present romantic or consensual relationship; and


WHEREAS, survivors of teen dating violence have increased risk for truancy, dropout, teen pregnancy, suicide, having eating disorders, and engaging in other harmful behaviors such as use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and


WHEREAS, teen dating violence is linked to bullying, sexual harassment, sexual violence, physical violence, and other forms of violence against peers, as high school youth survivors are at higher risk for victimization during college, and teen perpetrators of dating violence are more likely to abuse their intimate partners as adults; and


WHEREAS, the Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse recognizes that teen dating violence is preventable through efforts that foster caring relationships with adults and peers, and the Alliance supports several prevention programs like STAND! For Families Free of Violence’s Youth Education Supportive Services (YESS) that help ensure a safe learning environment for all youth; promote resilience and positive youth development; and protect youth from abuse in relationships; and


WHEREAS, during the 2023-24 school year, STAND!’s YESS program educated 701 middle and high school youth about teen dating violence through classroom presentations; taught an estimated 67 adult allies, including school staff, service providers, and parents, about the scope and causes of dating violence, and healthy dating relationships; held sixteen 10-week long gender-based support groups at five high schools; and conducted outreach to more than 200 youth experiencing or at risk for teen dating violence; and


WHEREAS, more than 100 youth and adult allies participated in STAND!’s Youth Against Violence community resource fair in San Pablo on February 17, 2024, in which teen leaders from several high schools highlighted the ways in which abuse can impact all genders and sexual orientations.


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Contra Costa County does hereby proclaim the month of February 2025 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month and encourages all to participate in activities that raise awareness about the dynamics of teen dating violence and empower teens to develop healthy and safe relationships throughout their lives.