To: Board of Supervisors
From: Marc Shorr, Information Technology Director
Report Title: Contract with UKG Kronos Systems LLC for professional services to upgrade timekeeping system
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Information Officer, or designee, to execute a contract with UKG Kronos Systems LLC in an amount not to exceed $2,075,000 to provide professional services to upgrade the timekeeping system and for hosting services for the period of March 26, 2024, through March 25, 2029.
The cost for this will be recovered through Countywide interdepartmental charges. 100% User Departments.
The current timekeeping system, Kronos Workforce Central Timekeeper, will become obsolete on December 31, 2025, and at that time the County’s customer rights to the software will terminate. To plan for the end of life for this software, the County needs to start the process of onboarding a new timekeeping software, UKG Pro Workforce Management, to allow for customization, user acceptance testing and for the months of training necessary to teach the functionality of this new software to County users.
At this time, it is in the best interest of the County to upgrade the current timekeeping software rather than to solicit bids from other vendors to provide a new system. The decision to do so is multifaceted and has a direct impact on the relationship between PeopleSoft and the timekeeping system. These two (2) systems work in conjunction with each other to process County employee payroll. Within the next several years, the County will review the comprehensive link between these systems and decide the best course of action going forward.
Kronos timekeeping system is software used by all county departments to track time, and payroll integration. Even with Kronos, departments must do dual time entry, as it does not track accrual use and scheduling. DoIT in collaboration with Auditor’s Office and Human Resources will look into potential new solutions over the next few years to enhance efficiency. The current contract has a 90-day cancellation clause, should a new solution be identified prior to end of the contract.
The Terms and Conditions of this agreement are governed by the Master Agreement Reference #18220 dated March 18, 2019, between Cobb County, GA and Kronos Incorporated referenced to as the US Communities Agreement #18220. Effective October 1, 2023, Kronos Incorporated was renamed to UKG Kronos Systems LLC.
If this agreement is not approved, the current countywide time and attendance system will end and will prevent processing County employee payroll.