To: Board of Supervisors
From: Warren Lai, Public Works Director/Chief Engineer
Report Title: Grant application for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Active Transportation Capital Design Technical Assistance program, El Sobrante area.
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to submit a grant application to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in the amount of $300,000, for the Active Transportation Capital Design Technical Assistance program, for the San Pablo Dam Road Complete Street project, El Sobrante area. (District I)
100% Metropolitan Transportation Commission Active Transportation Capital Design Technical Assistance Program Funds. No County match required.
The County often seeks regional, state, and federal funding to augment local road funding, stretching local dollars to build improvements that would not be possible otherwise. The current opportunity is through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Active Transportation Capital Design Technical Assistance Program, which released a Call for Projects in October 2024. In the Call for Projects, the MTC invites local jurisdictions to submit active transportation projects located on MTC's Active Transportation (AT) Network that need technical assistance to move from conceptual or preliminary engineering design to final design ready for construction. Competitive projects will incorporate All Ages and Abilities design principles and Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way. Awarded projects will enter into a funding agreement with MTC to select their own consultant and can utilize MTC's on-call bench of consultants.
The MTC will evaluate applications based on the following evaluation criteria: (A) equity; (B) mode shift; (C) safety; and (D) alignment with MTC's Regional Active Transportation Plan an...
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