To: Board of Supervisors
From: John Kopchik, Director, Conservation and Development
Report Title: Purchase Order for VMware Renewal with Technologent
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute on behalf of the Department of Conservation and Development, a purchase order with Technologent in an amount not to exceed $ 75,000 for licensing and maintenance of the software product VMware to create virtual servers, for the period January 23, 2025 to January 22, 2030.
No impact to the County General Fund. Costs will be covered by revenues from building permit and land development application fees.
The Department of Conservation and Development uses VMware by Broadcom to create virtual servers that power the Department's applications through its network. VMware allows DCD to create and manage virtual machines on three physical servers, thereby optimizing our hardware resources and improving overall system performance.
Licensing and Maintenance for DCD's VMware infrastructure is needed in order to continue to use the software with the ability to patch and or upgrade as availability arises. The support would help to ensure minimal downtime and accessibility to our fileservers and applications.
The department is seeking approval of this retroactive purchase order due to the unforeseen delays in receiving quotes, due to the change in the company's structure. VMware has continued to provide services in good faith.
Broadcom's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale include a "Limitation of Remedies and Liability" provision, pertinent excerpt is included below:
Except for Broadcom's obligation to make warranty refunds under section 8 (which is limited to product and/or application software purchase price), and to the extent permitted by applicable law, Broadcom's liability to customer is limited to the lesser of (i) the...
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