To: Board of Supervisors
From: Anna Roth, Health Services Director
Report Title: Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District Agreement for Team Approach to Foodborne Outbreak Response PER-298 Training
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District in an amount not to exceed $1,700 for the rental of a facility in the Pleasant Hill Community Center on August 20 and August 21, 2025 to provide training to staff members.
The fiscal impact of this action will not exceed $1,700 and is funded by Environmental Health fees.
Contra Costa Environmental Health is sponsoring a Team Approach to Foodborne Outbreak Response Course to address the training needs of staff members who have a role in foodborne outbreak response. Participants include individuals from state and local government agencies with experience in foodborne disease outbreak response and investigation capabilities.
The Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District Rental Contract requires the county to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the District for any and all liabilities that arise from the county's use of their facilities. The training will be held in the Community Center Soroptomist Room.
If this action is not approved, the Division will not have the appropriate approval to execute contract related to a County sponsored special event pursuant to Administrative Bulletin No. 114 (County and Non-County Sponsored Events and Activities). In addition, staff may not have the proper training if food safety concerns arise.