ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 26383 to add one (1) Human Resources Analyst (AGTF) (unrepresented) position at salary plan and grade B85 1631 ($8,195.10 - $12,107.89) within the Human Resources Department. Position is assigned to the Human Resources Department and is funded by the Public Works Department.
The net fiscal impact for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2024/2025 will be approximately $121,905. Position will be funded by the Public Works Department’s various funds and allocated to the Human Resources Department.
Public Works has requested a dedicated resource to support the Department with countywide job class recruitment activities. As the level of support needed has grown within Public Works, Human Resources approached the Department with a proposal to add and fund one (1) Human Resources staff member. The dedicated HR Analyst assigned to Public Works is an employee of the Human Resources Department and physically resides within the Central Human Resources Department office.
The Human Resources Department will not be able to increase dedicated support needed to handle recruitment actions for the Public Works Department.