To: Board of Supervisors
From: Diana Becton, District Attorney
Report Title: Terms of Service Agreement with SignUpGenius Inc
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the District Attorney, or designee, to execute a Terms of Service Agreement with SignUpGenius Inc in an amount not to exceed $3,897, for the usage of the software to schedule volunteer panelists participation in the Neighborhood Restorative Partnership for the period December 1, 2024 through November 30, 2027.
Approval of this action will result in expenditures of up to $3,897 which is funded 100% by the AB 109 state funding for the District Attorney's Neighborhood Restorative Partnership program. The amount is included in the FY2024-25 Departmental Budget.
The Neighborhood Restorative Partnership (NRP) is a community-based pre-filing program initiated by the Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office in partnership with local Police Departments. This program has been designed to redirect low level misdemeanor offenses from entering the criminal justice system by working as a community to come up with solutions that address the harm caused by these offenses and by focusing on restoring all who have been impacted. The goal of the NRP is to address low-level misdemeanors or infractions, such as vandalism, assault/battery, alcohol control violations, and other quality of life crimes by partnering with our local law enforcement agencies and with community volunteers.
Residents of Contra Costa County, who wish to volunteer in this program, will be trained to serve as panelists and develop community-based solutions to redress the harm caused by these low-level offenses. Pursuant to Penal Code ?14150 - 14156, the District Attorney's Office empowers panelists with the authority and responsibility to adjudicate certain infraction/misdemeanor offenses, and it empowers facilitators with the aut...
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