To: Board of Supervisors
From: Ann Elliott, Human Resources Director
Report Title: ADOPT Resolution No. 2025-08 and ADOPT Personnel Resolution No. 26393 regarding Annual State of California Minimum Wage for Health Care Workers
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
ADOPT Resolution No. 2025-08 directing the Human Resources Director to reallocate and maintain job classifications on the Salary Schedule to be in alignment with annual State of California Minimum Wage for Health Care Workers per Senate Bill 525 in future years; and ADOPT Personnel Resolution No. 26393 authorizing the Human Resources Director to reallocate the classifications of Student Intern Level I (998A), plan and grade FS5/0101, from a 3-step salary range to a 1-step rate of $3,650.165 and reallocate Student Intern Level II (998B) plan and grade FS5/0102 from a 5-step salary range to a 3-step salary range of $3,650.165 - $4,024.307.
On January 1, 2025, the State of California will increase the minimum wage for Health Care Workers to $21.00 per hour. In 2026 the Health Care Worker minimum wage will increase to $23.00 per hour. Future increases will be dependent on annual changes mandated by the State of California. Upon approval, the cost of these actions will be absorbed by the departments utilizing the impacted job classifications.
Annually, Human Resources reviews all County job classifications to identify the impact of changes in the California minimum wage and make appropriate adjustments to be effective as of January 1 of the following calendar year. On October 13, 2023, the Governor approved Senate Bill No. 525 which adds a new type of minimum wage specific to Health Care Workers. The definition of Health Care Worker is very broad and is not limited to medical professionals, but also includes administrative support services, custodial, food service and the law even references gift shop workers as example...
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