To: Board of Supervisors
From: Marc Shorr, Information Technology Director
Report Title: Contract with BMC Software, Inc.
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Information Officer, or designee, to execute a contract with BMC Software, Inc., subject to BMC’s terms and conditions, in an amount not to exceed $125,000 for the purchase of BMC AMI Cloud Data software and for professional services to configure and install the backup storage software for the period of December 15, 2024, through December 14, 2027.
The cost for these services is budgeted within the Department’s FY 24-25 budget. 100% User Departments.
BMC AMI Cloud Data storage is a solution designed for the County’s mainframe environment. It specifically addresses data storage and management using cloud technology. The product integrates the power of mainframes with the scalability and flexibility of cloud storage. This product was selected to provide a secondary storage backup for the existing technology IBM Virtual Tape Library (VTL). There are currently two (2) VTL configuration and solutions and they are both approaching end-of-life. It will cost approximately $500,000 to replace both units. This solution significantly reduces the cost to the County and provides a highly available, cost-effective, secure, and scalable solution. By utilizing cloud storage, the Department can scale storage as needed, eliminating the need for expensive IBM hardware investments and physical on-premises storage infrastructure.
BMC’s End User License Agreement includes a limitation of liability provision that limits its liability to the amount paid for the license. Out of the three (3) vendors which provided quotes, BMC Software was the lowest cost vendor.
If this ordering document is not approved, the County will be at risk of losing vital County data.