To: Board of Supervisors
From: Marla Stuart, Employment and Human Services Director
Report Title: 20-597-0 Contra Costa Family Justice Alliance Gun Violence Prevention Task Force
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Contra Costa Family Justice Alliance, in an amount not to exceed $289,503 to provide coordination of community outreach and education of firearms relinquishment laws, and co-lead the development of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force for the period September 1, 2024 through September 30, 2026.
$289,502.40: 100% Federal, $144,751.20 of which is budgeted in FY 24-25 and $144,751.20 will be budgeted in FY 25-26.
On March 26, 2024, the Board approved item C.28 authorizing Employment and Human Services Department (EHSD) to apply for and accept a grant in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 from the State of California, Board of State and Community Corrections to implement the Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program for the grant period July 15, 2024, through September 30, 2026. This is a new contract with Contra Costa Family Justice Alliance for the term September 1, 2024, to September 30, 2026, to provide coordination of community outreach and education of firearms relinquishment laws and co-lead the development of the Contra Costa Gun Violence Prevention Task Force (GVPTF) with EHSD Alliance to End Abuse.
The GVPTF will serve to close the gap between protection and relinquishment policies and actual practices, as well as develop new policies/practices and trainings. This will include community awareness activities around the relationship of interpersonal violence (IPV) that includes domestic violence, stalking, human trafficking, elder abuse, and child abuse and gun violence; and the availability of Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO) as a protecti...
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