To: Board of Supervisors
From: David O. Livingston, Sheriff-Coroner
Report Title: Insight Public Sector (IPS) on behalf of the California State Sheriffs' Association (CSSA)
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to execute a contract with California State Sheriffs' Association (CSSA) to deploy the Office of the Sheriff's Automated Regional Information Exchange System (ARIES) criminal justice information database and other Office of the Sheriff software databases in the CSSA cloud, in an amount not to exceed $1,200,000, for the period of March 1, 2024 through December 31, 2028
Approval of this request will result in up to $1,200,000 in contractual service expenditures and will be funded 100% by ARIES Orgs #2551 and #2562.
The Automated Regional Information Exchange System (ARIES) is a proprietary software application owned and operated by the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff (CCCSO). ARIES is used by the CCCSO and partnered law enforcement agencies for a wide variety of essential law enforcement functions which are accessed from sub-modules within the application.
These include:
* Live Search: This module allows officers to access persons information, including criminal history, whether persons are the subject of protective or restraining orders (either the protected or prohibited person), information on property (i.e., if said property has been reported as stolen) and information on firearms.
* Total Booking: This module streamlines the booking process, allowing for more efficient booking of a person, ensuring that timelines which affect areas such as offense charging and timely processing for issuance of citation and release of persons are met.
* ALPR (Automated License Plate Reader): This module allows for immediate checks on license plates associated with critical cases, i.e., child abductions or othe...
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