To: Board of Supervisors
From: David O. Livingston, Sheriff-Coroner
Report Title: Budget Amendment for Operating Expenditures
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE Budget Amendment No. BDA-24-00765, authorizing the transfer of appropriations of the following from Emergency Services Division to Patrol Division, in the Sheriff’s Office:
• $302,674 from 3625-1014 (Permanent Overtime) to SO Patrol Org 2534-1014
• $439 from 3625-2160 (Clothing & Personal Supply) to SO Patrol Org 2534-2160
• $34,351 from 3625-2479 (Other Special Departmental Expenditures) to SO Patrol Org 2534-2479
• $15,705 from 3625-4952 (Institutional Equipment & Furniture) to SO Patrol Org 2534-4952
• $19,970 from 3625-9965 (Restricted Donations) to SO Patrol Org 2534-9965
The transfer of expenditure appropriations from one budget division of the Sheriff’s Office to another will not result in a fiscal impact to the overall agency budget and will not have a net County cost impact.
The mission of the Sheriff is to provide the most efficient and effective law enforcement service possible. The department shall provide administrative, investigative, technical, forensic, coroner, emergency, detention and court security services.
This budget action will rectify a previous unit reorganization and ensure expenditures are captured in the appropriate division. Additionally, this will provide reliable decision-making information supporting the Sheriff's services for Fiscal Year 2024-25
The Sheriff’s Office budget units will continue to have a negative balance due to an inaccurate budget and this misrepresentation could affect service delivery.