To: Board of Supervisors
From: Diana Becton, District Attorney
Report Title: Budget Amendment to Decrease Appropriation/Revenue due to Federal Grant Expiration
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE Budget Amendment No. BDA-24-00764 authorizing the reduction of revenue appropriations from the Federal Bureau of Investigations in the amount of $8,250 to the District Attorney's Office to fund the FBI Safe Street Task Force Facility Rental and Utilities Cost.
100% federal funding. This action will decrease Fiscal Year 2024-25 revenue appropriations by $8,250 and decrease corresponding expenditure appropriations by the same amount.
Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office has been leading the operation of a countywide Safe Street Task Force (SSTF) with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) since January 2015. The SSTF operates in innovative ways to reduce violent crime on a countywide basis. The DA’s Office provides operational, tactical, and investigative leadership for the SSTF. The DA’s Office has been renting a facility to house members of the SSTF. The FBI has been providing financial reimbursement to the DA’s Office to fund the SSTF facility rental and utilities cost.
In spring of 2024, the FBI notified the DA’s Office that the FBI will relocate its safe street operation to a different region and will no longer provide federal grant reimbursement to the DA’s Office for the SSTF facility rental and utilities cost beyond September 30, 2024, when the current lease expires.
The purpose of this board order is to decrease the revenues and expenditures for FY 2024-25 consistent with the expiration of the FBI grant at the end of September 30, 2024.
The District Attorney's Office will not be able to decrease revenues and expenditures to accurately account for the expiration of the FBI grant in FY2024-25.