To: Board of Supervisors
From: David O. Livingston, Sheriff-Coroner
Report Title: Starchase contract
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to execute a contract with StarChase for three new Guardian VX GPS Launcher Systems and an annual subscription renewal for the Guardian VX Total Solution Package, in an amount not to exceed $47,241, for the period December 31, 2024 through December 30, 2025.
Approval of this request will result in up to $47,241 in contractual service expenditures and will be funded 100% by the General Fund.
StarChase provides multiple GPS technology solutions to public safety and government agencies. Their technology leverages GPS technology to manage high-risk events, surveillance, and real-time situational awareness. By launching a GPS device onto a suspect's vehicle, StarChase allows for tracking suspects instead of the need for Code-3 pursuits. In addition, the GPS devices can be tracked via mapping software in Dispatch and Patrol.
The Office of the Sheriff has been utilizing Starchase since 2018. The Department currently has eight vehicles outfitted with the Starchase launcher systems in its fleet. This contract will include the annual subscription renewal for the Guardian VX Total Solution Package for the current systems. This contract will also include the purchase of three new Guardian VX Launcher Systems, which includes installation, a three-year warranty and a Total Solutions software subscription.
The Terms and Conditions include limitations of liability and indemnification from the County to the contractor.
If the Board does not approve, the existing mapping software will not be supported or operational and will cease to update. The GPS tracking projectiles will no longer be supplied. The Office of the Sheriff will also not be able to outfit additiona...
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