To: Board of Supervisors
From: Monica Nino, County Administrator
Report Title: 4th Quarter Status Report on Measure X Innovation Fund Projects
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
RECEIVE report on the fourth quarter progress of the five grant projects from the first allocation of Innovation Funds.
Informational report. No fiscal impact.
Of the $2M allocated in the first round of the Innovation Fund, $30,000 was awarded and spent for five planning grants and $1,790,737 was awarded for five project grants, leaving an unallocated balance of $179,263. To date, $1,270,116 has been expended from the project grants, leaving an allocated balance of $520,621. Tech Exchange and White Pony have completed their projects and exhausted their grant awards. The County Administrator extended Lincoln's grant period through February 28, 2025 and Support4Recovery's and the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano's grant periods through June 30, 2025 to enable those grantees to complete their projects.
On October 17, 2023, at the conclusion of a year-long competitive bidding process, the Board of Supervisors awarded Measure X Innovation Fund grants totaling $1,790,737 to five promising projects. Contracts with each grantee were executed by the County Administrator effective December 1, 2023, since which time the projects have been underway.
What follows is a short description of each project, the Innovation Funds claimed per project through December 31, 2024, and a summary of progress made towards project goals. Also noted are any challenges or impediments reported by the grantees and any anticipated impacts those impediments may have on the project outcomes or timeline.
The County Administrator's Office will continue to monitor progress, provide support and guidance to the grantees, and report to the Board quarterly.
Smart Food Lockers Project, Food Bank of Contra ...
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