Meeting Date: December 16, 2024
Subject: $1M Measure X Allocation for African American Wellness
Submitted For: Equity Committee
Department: Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice
Referral No:
Referral Name: $1M Measure X Allocation for African American Wellness
Presenter: Peter Kim
Contact: Peter Kim, peter.kim@oresj.cccounty.us
Referral History:
On December 12, 2023, the Board of Supervisors allocated $1,000,000 of Measure X funds for existing African American Wellness Services. The ORESJ was tasked with developing a plan to administer the funds. Over several months (February to October 2024), ORESJ presented progress reports at Equity Committee meetings regarding the plan to administer and distribute the funds. The overall plan includes:
#1) Contract with a local community foundation with extensive experience supporting Black-led and Black-serving organizations to administer contracting, program monitoring, and fund distribution with County-approved community-based service organizations to deliver services to increase holistic wellness in African American communities in Contra Costa County.
A Request For Qualifications (RFQ) was first released in June 2024, which produced zero applications. A second, abbreviated RFQ was released on September 11, 2024 and closed on October 4, 2024; five applications were submitted. On October 21, 2024, a five-member review committee recommended East Bay Community Foundation as the most qualified applicant. The final decision of award is pending the full Board of Supervisors approval which will take place at their December 3, 2024 meeting.
#2) Implement a competitive solicitation process to select qualified community-based service organizations to deliver services and programs to increase holistic wellness in African American communities in the following five (5) priority service/program categories: Behavioral health supports; Food and/or housing insecurity services; Maternal and infant hea...
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