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File #: 25-555    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: Legislation Committee
On agenda: 2/24/2025 Final action:
Title: REVIEW recommended positions on state legislation of interest to the County, consistent with the County's Adopted 2025-26 State Legislative Platform, and provide any necessary feedback.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - 2025-2026 Bill Tracking, 2. Attachment B - Bill Text - SB-30 Diesel-powered on-track equipment
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Meeting Date: February 24, 2025
Subject: Recommended Positions on State Legislation
Submitted For: Legislation Committee
Department: County Adminsitrator's Office
Presenter: E. Struthers
Contact: (925) 655-2045

Referral History:
Legislation Committee typically reviews and provides direction on state legislation of interest to the County. While positions approved in the County's adopted Legislative Platforms may be taken without further review of the Legislation Committee, staff endeavors to keep the Committee, County staff, and members of the public informed on these positions through Legislation Committee. With 2025 being the first year of a two-year legislative session, there is adequate time to bring recommended positions to the Committee for their review and input, enhancing the Committee's involvement and transparency.

Referral Update:
The 2025-2026 State Legislative Session began on January 6, 2025, and the bill introduction deadline is February 21, 2025. Since January, numerous proposals have been introduced. However, many of the bills introduced are not yet fully formed, and may undergo significant changes following introduction. In addition, bills continue to be introduced up until the February 21 deadline, which occurs after the publication of this meeting agenda.

As bills are introduced throughout the session, they are brought to the attention of the Committee and Committee staff by department staff, groups such as the California State Association of Counties (CSAC), and the County's advocates. The County's Adopted 2025-26 State Legislative Platform includes policy positions related to several proposals that have been introduced during this session. Accordingly, staff recommends taking positions consistent with the platform, as outlined in the attached table. With the passage of the bill introduction deadline, staff anticipates that additional positions will be brought to the Committee for consideration during its March meet...

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