To: Board of Supervisors
From: Marla Stuart, Employment and Human Services Director
Report Title: CSB - Interagency Agreement #38-112-0 Mount Diablo Unified School District - Crossroads High School
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute an Interagency Agreement with Mount Diablo Unified School District in an amount not to exceed $615,728 to provide Early Head Start services for the period September 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.
$615,728: 100% Federal, of which $193,665 is budgeted in FY 24-25, $211,031 will be budgeted in FY 25-26, and $211,032 will be budgeted in FY 26-27.
On December 28, 2023, RFP #1202 was posted in selecting Head Start Program Childcare Partners. Mount Diablo Unified School District was selected through the bidder’s process for a term of September 1, 2024, to June 30, 2027. This Agreement will provide a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 24 childcare program slots for children in the Early Head Start per year.
This Agreement supports one (1), three (3), and four (4) of Contra Costa County’s community outcomes of the Children’s Report Card”, (1) "Children Ready for and Succeeding in School"; (3) "Families that are Economically Self-Sufficient"; and (4) "Families that are Safe, Stable and Nurturing".
The County will not be able to fund childcare slots to its community-based agency partner, Mount Diablo Unified School District.