To: Board of Supervisors
From: Monica Nino, County Administrator
Report Title: Side Letter of Agreement between Contra Costa County and IFPTE, Local 21.
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
ADOPT a Resolution approving a side letter of agreement modifying the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Contra Costa County and IFPTE, Local 21 to modify Section 42.25 Sheriff Emergency Services Standby Differential by adding the Community Warning Systems Manager (64NE) classification to the list of classifications eligible to receive the Sheriff Emergency Services Standby Differential.
This change will have a financial impact of approximately $278.83 per month for months in which the Community Warning Systems Manager is assigned to the Emergency Services Standby Rotation.
The Office of the Sheriff operates an Emergency Services Standby Rotation to respond to emergencies in the County outside of regular business hours. At present, Section 42.25 Sheriff Emergency Services Standby Differential of the MOU between Contra Costa County and IFPTE, Local 21 provides a 2.5% differential to the Emergency Planning Coordinator (9GSA), Senior Emergency Planning Coordinator (9GWB), and Emergency Services Manager (9GGA) classifications for serving on the standby rotation.
The Office of the Sheriff also assigns incumbents in the Community Warning Systems Manager (64NE) classification to serve on the Emergency Services Standby Rotation. However, the Community Warning Systems Manager (64NE) classification is not eligible for the 2.5% differential provided to the other classifications assigned to the Emergency Services Standby Rotation. This creates an inequity in compensation for employees assigned to the Emergency Services Standby Rotation, which the above-referenced side-letter of agreement corrects.
Appointees to the Community Warning Systems Manager (64NE...
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