To: Board of Supervisors
From: Matt Slattengren, Ag Commissioner/Weights & Measures Director
Report Title: Contract with Military Ocean Terminal Concord
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Agricultural Commissioner, or designee, to execute a contract with the United States to receive an amount not to exceed $1,362,058 to provide noxious weed control and vertebrate abatement services at Military Ocean Terminal Concord for the period August 1, 2024, through July 31, 2034. (100% Federal)
The US Government will reimburse the Agriculture Department in an amount not to exceed $1,362,058. There is no County match of funds, nor grant money involved. 100% Federal.
The Agriculture Department shall supply appropriate products to spray noxious weeds (artichoke thistle and purple-star thistle) with the use of backpack sprayers and all-terrain vehicles. The noxious weed control services are limited to those locations where noxious weeds have been located, identified, and pose a public, economic, environmental, or recreational nuisance.
Ground Squirrel Control - MOTCO is looking to reduce the number of ground squirrels that are causing damage to the installation. MOTCO would like to see the population reduced, so that they can make habitat modifications and utilize predators to control the population and limit damage to the leased rangeland and infrastructure to prevent injury to cattle and support agriculture.
The 10-year contract required extensive review between both parties and has resulted in submission to the Board for approval several months after the effective date of August 2024.
If not approved, the Department would have a loss in revenue and the County may face the spread of noxious weeds and pests.