To: Board of Supervisors
From: Warren Lai, Public Works Director/Chief Engineer
Report Title: Funding Agreement between Contra Costa County and the East Bay Regional Park District for the Clark Road Resurfacing Project, El Sobrante area.
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a Funding Agreement (Agreement) between Contra Costa County and the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) for the design and construction of the Clark Road Resurfacing Project, a component of the 2025 Countywide Surface Treatment Project (Project No. 0672-6U2032), El Sobrante area. (District I)
33% East Bay Regional Park District Funds and 67% Local Road Funds
Clark Road between the City of Richmond limits to approximately 85 feet north of Jana Vista Road leads to the Wildcat Canyon Community School and an entrance to the EBRPD’s Clark-Boas Trailhead. Although the road serves these community features, the road was never accepted as a public facility and is not part of the County road network. The road surface has deteriorated and both EBRPD and the County desire to improve the condition of the road. The Agreement conditions the EBRPD to contribute funding towards the County’s Clark Road Resurfacing Project and in exchange, the Agreement conditions the County to accept the road as a public facility. The County’s acceptance of the road will be a separate action pending further research and review by Public Works staff. In November 2024, the Public Works Department coordinated with the EBRPD to finalize the terms of the Agreement and County Counsel approved the Agreement as to form.
If the Public Works Department is not authorized to execute the Agreement, the design and construction of the project will be delayed and funding will not be available for the project.