To: Board of Supervisors
From: Monica Nino, County Administrator
Report Title: Request for Relief of Cash Shortage
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
AUTHORIZE relief of cash shortage in the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office in the amount of $270.75.
Cash shortage in the amount of $270.75 will be funded with 100% General Fund.
In accordance with the provisions of Administrative Bulletin 207.7, the Auditor-Controller has verified and concurs with the report of a total cash shortage in the amount of $270.75 in the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office.
The shortage occurred on December 10th in two separate cash drawers in the amounts of $50.00 and $220.75, respectively, because of transactions made on December 9th. December 9, 2024, accounted for the heaviest volume of tax payment transactions for the entire tax season. Four separate individuals completed 740 transactions and processed approximately $2.7 million property tax payments, in which, more than $2.4 million were cash payments. Extensive investigation and review have not discovered which specific transactions caused the cash shortage and has not yielded any instances of fraud. The Office will continue to provide cash handling trainings to cashiers to prevent any recurrence in the future.
The shortage will not be relieved and cash will not be in balance.