Contra Costa County Header
File #: 25-468    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Discussion Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: Contra Costa County Planning Commission
On agenda: 2/12/2025 Final action:
Title: KEVIN WEISS (Applicant) - DUONG ESTUARY COVE LLC (Owner), County File #CDSD23-09669, CDDP23-03040: This is a hearing on an appeal of County staff’s determination that the subdivision and development plan application filed under CDSD23-09669 and CDDP23-03040 is incomplete. The subject property is an approximately 77-acre vacant lot located north of Sandmound Blvd. in the unincorporated Oakley area of Contra Costa County (Zoning: P-1, -CE, Planned Unit District, Cannabis Exclusion Combining District) (Assessor’s Parcel Number: 032-112-007). JC
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - FINDINGS for Apppeal Denial, 2. Attachment B - Preliminary Application Submittal, 3. Attachment C - Preliminary App IncompleteLtr_102423-signed, 4. Attachment D - Response to Preliminary Application Incomplete Notice, 5. Attachment E - Preliminary CompleteLtr_110223-signed, 6. Attachment F- Formal Application Submittal, 7. Attachment G - 1st IncompleteLtr_051724-signed, 8. Attachment H - Resubmittal to 1st Incomplete Ltr, 9. Attachment I - Response Letter to 1st Incomplete Ltr, 10. Attachment J- 2ndIncompleteLtr_092024-signed, 11. Attachment K - Response to 2nd Incomplete Notice, 12. Attachment L -3rdIncompleteLtr_121124-signed, 13. Attachment M - CDSD23-09669 APPEAL LTR_122324, 14. Attachment N - Screenshot of County planning application checklists, 15. Attachment O - County General Planning Application Checklist, 16. Attachment P - County Inclusionary Housing Plan Checklist, 17. Attachment Q - Maps
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Project Title:

Appeal of Staff's Determination on the Incompleteness of the subdivision and development plan application.

County File(s):



Kevin Weiss


Duong Estuary Cove LLC


P-1, -CE, Planned Unit District, Cannabis Exclusion Combining District

General Plan:

Currently Agricultural Lands (AL)
Previously AL and Off Island Bonus Area (OIBA)

Site Address/Location

77-acre vacant lot located east of the Bethel Island Road and Sandmound Boulevard intersection, unincorporated Oakley
APN: 032-112-007

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Status:

The determination that the subdivision and development plan application is incomplete is not considered a project under CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378.

Project Planner:

Jennifer Cruz, Principal Planner - phone: (925) 655-2867 and email:

Staff Recommendation:

Deny the Appeal and determine the application is incomplete as identified in Section II (recommendation) of the staff report.

This is a hearing on an appeal of County staff's determination that the subdivision and development plan application, County File Nos. CDSD23-09669 and CDDP23-03040, is incomplete. The applicant seeks approval of a Vesting Tentative Map for the proposed subdivision of an approximately 77-acre vacant property to allow 271 dwelling units, consisting of 209 market-rate low density single-family detached homes and 62 below-market-rate duets, and approximately 36 acres of open space, including a private trail system and parks.

The Department of Conservation and Development (DCD), Community Development Division (CDD) staff recommends that the Planning Commission:
1. OPEN the public hearing on the appeal of County staff's determination that the subdivision and development plan application is incomplete, RECEIVE testimony, and CLOSE the public hearing.
2. DENY the appeal by Kevin Weiss a...

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