Contra Costa County Header
File #: 25-554    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: Legislation Committee
On agenda: 2/24/2025 Final action:
Title: Discuss and provide direction to staff and state advocates on the County's FY25-26 state budget priorities.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - 2025-26 Budget Letter Process - Letters from Members, 2. Attachment B - Adopted 2025-26 State Legislative Platform 25.01.21
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Meeting Date: February 24, 2025

Subject: State Budget Priorities

Submitted For: Legislation Committee

Department: County Administrator’s Office

Presenter: E. Struthers

Contact: (925) 655-2045



Referral History:

The Legislation Committee regularly receives reports on state legislation of interest to the County and provides direction and/or input as necessary.


Referral Update:

The Governor’s Budget was proposed on January 10, 2025, and State Legislators are being asked to provide feedback to their colleagues on their top priorities by March 3, 2025. In turn, local Legislators-and even the Governor’s office-have reached out to the County to learn more about its priorities in fiscal year 2025-2026. The Board of Supervisors adopted its 2025-26 State Legislative Platform on January 21, 2025, which outlines the County’s priorities in the current session. Given the length of the platform and the rapidly changing fiscal landscape, Legislation Committee is asked to provide feedback on any pressing priorities within the adopted platform that would be prudent to highlight to state elected officials.


Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):

Discuss and provide direction to staff and state advocates on the County's FY25-26 state budget priorities.


Fiscal Impact (if any): None. However, the ultimate adoption of the FY25-26 state budget does have fiscal impacts to the county.