To: Board of Supervisors
From: Esa Ehmen-Krause, County Probation Officer
Report Title: Purchase Order with Carahsoft Technology Corp. for Salesforce Database for AB109 Community Programs
☒Recommendation of the County Administrator ☐ Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, on behalf of the County Probation Officer, to execute a Purchase Order with authorized reseller Carahsoft Technology Corp. in an amount not to exceed $37,787 for the purchase of a Salesforce database subscription for the period October 24, 2024 through October 23, 2025.
This purchase order will be 100% covered by Assembly Bill 109 (AB109) Public Safety Realignment funds.
AB109 Community Programs have utilized the Salesforce database (also known as SAFE) for referrals to one another, to document activity, and for outcome reporting to the Office of Reentry and Justice since July 2018. By utilizing a shared database the Community Programs have developed a universal release of information that is stored in the SAFE database to facilitate information sharing and case conferencing. This allows clients to receive necessary services in a timely fashion. The Salesforce environment has been modified to fit the specific needs of the Reentry program over the years and significant resources have been spent in creating and maintaining the system. With this purchase the department must sign Salesforce’s Master Subscription Agreement, which includes an indemnity provision from the County to Salesforce and a limitation of liability.
The County’s AB 109 Public Safety Realignment Community Programs will not have an operational database to track and facilitate service referral and delivery information.