Contra Costa County Header
File #: 25-552    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: Legislation Committee
On agenda: 2/24/2025 Final action:
Title: RECEIVE a report on federal matters of interest to the County and provide direction and/or input as needed.
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - TRP Tip Sheet 2025.02.18, 2. Attachment B - Trump 2.0 EO Tracker
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Meeting Date:  February 24, 2025

Subject:  Federal Legislative Updates of Interest to Contra Costa County

Submitted For: Legislation Committee

Department: County Administrator’s Office

Referral Name: Federal Update

Presenter: P. Schlesinger and J. Davenport, Thorn Run Partners

Contact: E. Struthers, (925) 655-2045



Referral History:

The Legislation Committee of the Board regularly receives reports on federal legislation and budget matters of interest to the County and provides direction and/or input to staff and the County’s lobbyists, as necessary.


Referral Update:

The County’s federal lobbyists will be present via Zoom to provide an update to the Committee. Attachment A includes the latest TRP Tip Sheet, a briefing document provided by the County’s federal advocates. Attachment B includes the latest Executive Order (EO) action tracker.


Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):

Receive the report and provide direction or input to the County’s federal advocates, as needed.


Fiscal Impact (if any): None.