To: Board of Supervisors
From: John Kopchik, Director, Conservation and Development
Report Title: Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding with Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Conservation and Development Director, or designee, to execute an Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (RecycleSmart) to increase the County's payment amount to RecycleSmart by $60,000, with no change to the agreement term, for RecycleSmart's continuing performance of County regulatory obligations pertaining to reduction of organic waste disposal within the unincorporated portion of the RecycleSmart solid waste collection service area.
There is no impact to the General Fund. Under the proposed MOU Addendum (attached as Exhibit B), the County would pay RecycleSmart $60,000 from the County's second one-time SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant (Cycle 2), $459,414, awarded by California's Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).
In 2016, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the Short-lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Act ("SB 1383"). SB 1383 required CalRecycle to develop regulations to reduce organics going into landfills as a source of methane. The regulations developed by CalRecycle under SB 1383 are referred to as the "SB 1383 Regulations".
The SB 1383 Regulations require counties, cities and other local jurisdictions to adopt enforceable ordinances or other enforceable mechanisms to mandate that organic waste generators, haulers, and other entities comply with various requirements aimed at reducing the disposal of organic waste. SB 1383 Regulations applicable to jurisdictions generally address requirements applicable to organic waste collection services, inspection of waste containers for prohibited contaminants, regulation of commercial edible food generato...
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