To: Board of Supervisors
From: Warren Lai, Public Works Director/Chief Engineer
Report Title: Grant application for Local Partnership Program 2024, for the North Bailey Road Active Transportation Corridor Project, Bay Point area.
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
RATIFY the prior decision of the Public Works Director, or designee, to submit a grant application to the California Transportation Commission in the total amount of $1,845,000, for their Local Partnership Program 2024 grant, for the North Bailey Road Active Transportation Corridor Project, Bay Point area. (District V)
57% Active Transportation Program Funds, 17% Local Partnership Program Funds, 8% Safe Routes to BART Funds, 8% Navy Mitigation Funds, 5% Bay Point Area of Benefit Funds, and 5% Local Road Funds.
If awarded, grant matching requirements will be funded by other awarded grant programs and local road funds.
The County often seeks regional, state, and federal funding to augment local road funding, stretching local dollars to build improvements that would not be possible otherwise. The current opportunity is through the California Transportation Commission's (CTC) Local Partnership Program (LPP) grant program, which released a Call for Projects for the 2024 grant cycle on August 15, 2024. This grant program is funded by Senate Bill 1 (2017) and is currently in its fourth cycle. Public Works staff has not previously submitted a LPP application.
On April 28, 2017, Senate Bill 1 (SB1) was signed into law. This legislative package invests $5.4 billion annually to fix roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California and puts more dollars toward transit safety. $200 million is annually appropriated from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) to local and regional transportation agencies as part of the LPP. In the Program Guidelines, the CTC solicits applications for transport...
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