Project Title:
Settlement Agreement Annual Compliance Review
Gale Ranch Development- Shapell Homes
County File(s):
Shapell Homes
Zoning/General Plan:
Zoning: Planned Unit Development (P-1). General Plan: Single-Family Residential, High-Density (SH), Single-Family Residential, Medium Density (SM), Multi-Family Residential, Low-Density (ML), and Multi-Family Residential, High-Density (MH), etc.
Site Address/Location:
The subject property consists of 973 acres located on both sides of Dougherty Road, east of the Country Club at Gale Ranch Project boundary and west of Alamo Creek, in the Dougherty Valley, San Ramon, area. (P-1) (ZA:W-19, V-19) (CT 3551) (Parcel #206-040-002,-003,-004; 206-240-003,-010; 217-060-025; 206-080-010).
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Status:
An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared in 1992; a Supplemental EIR was prepared in 1996; and an Addendum was prepared for the phases III and IV of the Project in 2003 and 2005 respectively.
Project Planner:
Adrian Veliz, Senior Planner (925) 655-2879
Staff Recommendation:
Approve (See Section II for full recommendation)
The Agreement to Settle Litigation Relating to the Dougherty Valley General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report, dated May 11, 1994 (herein referred to as the Settlement Agreement) requires Shapell Industries Partners to submit an annual compliance report by October 15 of each year. Appendix G of this Settlement Agreement specifies the annual reporting and review requirements, as follows:
a) the owner submits a report;
b) County staff evaluates the report and
c) Submits the evaluation and the report to the Dougherty Valley Oversight Committee for consideration and recommendation
d) The Zoning Administrator then considers the report and this recommendation at a noticed public hearing prior to January 30 of the following year.
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