To: Board of Supervisors
From: Anna Roth, Health Services Director
Report Title: Contract #24-681-84(24) with United Family Care, LLC (dba Family Courtyard)
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute on behalf of the County Contract #24-681-84(24) with United Family Care, LLC (dba Family Courtyard), a limited liability company, in an amount not to exceed $759,200, to provide augmented board and care services for older adults with mental illness for the period from December 1, 2024 through November 30, 2025.
Approval of this Contract will result in contractual service expenditures of up to $759,200 and will be funded by 100% Behavioral Health Services Act funds.
Due to the limited number of specialty providers available within the community, the Behavioral Health Services Division relies on contractors to provide necessary specialty health services to its clients. The Behavioral Health Services Division has contracted with United Family Care, LLC (dba Family Courtyard) for augmented board and care services since December 2007.
This Contract meets the social needs of the County's population by augmenting room and board and providing twenty-four-hour emergency residential care and supervision to eligible adults with mental illness, who are specifically referred by the County's Behavioral Health Program Staff. Adult residential services for psychiatric clients requires stringent accreditation and compliance standards, as well as licenses and regulatory approvals that a limited number of providers possess. The Behavioral Health's Quality Management, Utilization Management and Contract Monitor staff meet on regular basis to ensure monitoring and performance measures in the Contract are upheld. This Contract was approved by Health Services Personnel to ensure there is no conflict with labor relations. This Con...
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