To: Board of Supervisors
From: John Kopchik, Director, Conservation and Development
Report Title: Agreement with EDD for Confidential Employment and Wage Data
?Recommendation of the County Administrator ? Recommendation of Board Committee
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Conservation and Development Director, or designee, to execute a contract and related indemnity agreement with the State of California, Employment Development Department (EDD), in an amount not to exceed $3,451, to provide confidential employment and wage data to the County for the period December 1, 2024 through November 30, 2027.
No impact to the County General Fund. The cost will be funded 100% by Land Development Funds. These funds are used to cover an existing contract with Beacon Economics pursuant to which Beacon is required to pay EDD's costs.
The State of California, Employment Development Department (EDD) compiles regional employment and wage data. This data is informative of local and state-wide economic and labor trends and can be a useful tool in developing economic development strategies. This data is, however, confidential and may only be obtained by agreement with EDD. Pursuant to this proposed agreement, the EDD will produce and provide confidential Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages data to the County for the purpose of economic planning and development.
The County has entered into a separate contract with Beacon Economics to perform analysis of employment and employer trends and prepare economic forecasts for the County and its sub-areas (e.g., South County, East County, Supervisorial Districts, etc.). The proposed agreement with EDD authorizes the County to disclose the confidential employment and wage data obtained from EDD to Beacon Economics for the specific purpose of fulfilling the Service Plan set forth in Contract. Under its contract with the County, Beacon Economics is responsible for payment to the EDD for the cost of ...
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