| 1 | | | Discussion Item | APPROVE Record of Actions - January 14, 2025 | | | |
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| 1 | a. | | Discussion Item | CONSIDER Agency Comment Request CDLP24-02027 where the applicant seeks approval of a Land Use Permit application to add a commercial kitchen within the existing Gateway Market building to establish a take-out food business. Pursuant to Chapter 88-16 - TAKE-OUT FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS of the County code, take-out food establishments must obtain a Land Use Permit from the County Planning Department | | | |
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| 1 | b. | | Discussion Item | CONSIDER Agency Comment Request CDRZ25-03278 where the applicant requests approval of a rezone application to rezone property APN 032-330-013, from F-1 to A-2, to establish a boat and RV storage (Concurrent CDLP25-02003). | | | |
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