| 2 | 2a. | | Discussion Item | NATHAN WATKINS (Applicant) – CARNELIAN HOLDINGS LLC (Owner), County File #CDLP23-02046: The applicant requests approval of a Land Use Permit to allow a residential care facility for the elderly for up to 18 people. The project also includes the construction of a two-story, approximately 2,665-square-foot addition to the existing residential care facility and is proposing six total parking spaces. The project includes a variance to the off-street parking driveway aisle width of 16’-5” (where 25’ is the required for two-way travel). The project includes approximately 67.6 cubic yards of cut and approximately 33.8 cubic yards of fill for site improvements. The project is located at 2374 Warren Road, in the Unincorporated Walnut Creek area of Contra Costa County. (Zoning: R-10 Single-Family Residential District) (Assessor’s Parcel Number: 184-120-071) EL | | | |
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