Advisory Council on Aging  
Tuesday, July 16, 2024  
10:00 AM  
400 Ellinwood Way, Pleasant Hill, CA  
Room 304  
Senior Mobility Action Council (SMAC) Transportation Workgroup  
pwd=NnTaDLsjK0UzfPJSozurGdcEEnJ8q4.1 | Dial In : 214 765 0478 or 8882780254 | Code:  
698779 | Meeting ID: 856 9636 0441 | Password: 540732  
The public may attend this meeting in person at the posted locations. The public also may attend this meeting  
remotely via Zoom or call-in. Login information and call-in information is provided above.  
10:00 Roll Call and Introductions - Jim Donnelly, Chair  
10:05 Approval of June 2024 Minutes  
Draft June Minutes  
10:10 Presentation: Contra Costa Office of Emergency Services  
Jennifer Cannon, Senior Emergency Planning Coordinator  
10:40 Discussion: Where do we go from here?  
What happened during COVID?  
What role should transportation providers play in emergencies/disasters?  
What does the community need from transportation providers?  
How can transportation providers pivot sooner?  
What happens next?  
COVID 19 Impacts, Transportation Provider Survey  
11:00 Break  
11:10 Program Updates and Announcements  
11:20 Advisory Council on Aging Updates  
11:25 Public Comment  
11:30 Adjourn  
The Council will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend the Council  
meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting. Any disclosable public  
records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority  
of members of the Council less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 40  
Douglas Dr. Martinez, attention Patty Lund during normal business hours. Staff reports related to items on the