Committee Meeting Minutes
Head Start Policy Council
5:00 PM
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
1470 Civic Court, Suite 200, Room 221,
Concord | Zoom:
pwd=ht2SqbhbsJbRTu3pE4Rgiw21oyzDcb.1 |
Call in: 8882780254 | Code: 812185
Program Services Committee
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the
Call to Order and Welcome
The meeting was called to order at 5:03 pm.
Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda
(speakers may be limited to two minutes).
Matt from Concord was present as a member of the public. He was just listening in.
REVIEW and DISCUSS the School Readiness Goals.
Jessie Black and LaTonya Saucer presented the School Readiness Goals as shown in the
attachment to this agenda. Raquel asked if the take home items are for parents to keep for
which the team shared that they were. Norma suggested that staff include something to help
children hold their pen/pencil in the emergent writing area. Another suggestion were tactile
letters. Norma further suggested lots of reading for Early Head Start and play with them
with letters.
REVIEW AND DISCUSS the 1st Period Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Ayalew Lidete gave a presentation on the handout included in the agenda packet. A
question from the member of the public was concerning what happens to health and safety
issues and do we look at trends. Castle-Barber stated that health and safety issues posing a
hazard are corrected immediately. Trend analysis occurs between the two reporting periods
and at the end of the year for year to year analysis.
Next steps
1) Staff will order the items suggested by the parents for School Readiness.
2) Parents will think about the presentation and offer further input at the Policy Council meeting in two