Advisory Council on Aging  
Monday, October 21, 2024  
10:00 AM  
500 Ellinwood Way, Pleasant Hill  
The Classroom  
Housing Workgroup  
pwd=eeNUcH2RB86FrOUgNxbVo39iSCDN8L.1 | Password: 437828 |Dial-In-Number: 214 765  
0478 or 888 278 0254 Code: 698779 |  
The public may attend this meeting in person at the above location. The public also may attend this  
meeting remotely via Zoom or call-in. Login information and call-in information is provided above.  
10:00 Call to Order / Welcome - Kevin Donovan, Chair  
10:05 Introductions:  
Approve September 2024 Draft Minutes  
10:10 Health, Housing & Homeless (H3) Point-in-Time and Annual Report - Jaime Jenett, Community  
Engatement Specialist, Contra Costa Health Services  
11:00 Update: Brown Act and Housing Work Group Membership-Kevin Donovan, Chair  
11:10 Discussion: 2024 Annual Report - Kevin Donovan, Chair  
2024 Draft Annual Report  
11:25 Update: Contra Costa Home Match - Logan Robertson, Associate Director  
11:30 Review: Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) Annual Report - Devin Donovan, Chair  
BAHFA Affordable Housing Presentation  
11:40 Information Sharing/Announcements:  
11:55 Plan Next Meeting:  
12:00 Adjourn  
The committee will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend  
the committee meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting. Any  
disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed  
by the County to a majority of members of the committee less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are  
available for public inspection at 400 Ellinwood Way Pleasant Hill, attention Nhang Luong during  
normal business hours. Staff reports related to items on the agenda are also accessible online at  
one full work day prior to the published meeting time.  
For additional information contact: Nhang Luong (925) 655-1385  
Persons who wish to address the committee during public comment on matters within the jurisdiction of  
the committee that are not on the agenda, or who wish to comment with respect to an item on the  
agenda, may comment in person, via Zoom, or via call-in. Those participating in person should speak  
when called upon by the chair. Those participating via Zoom should indicate they wish to speak by  
using the “raise your hand” feature in the Zoom app. Those calling in should indicate they wish to  
speak by pushing * 9 on their phone. All public comments will be limited to 2 minutes per speaker.