Mental Health Services Act Advisory Council  
Thursday, August 1, 2024  
3:00 PM  
1340 Arnold Drive, Suite 126, Martinez |  
Call-In: 1-646-518-9805 Access Code  
(Meeting Time: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm) (Hybrid Meeting In-Person and Via Zoom)  
The Mental Health Services Act Advisory Council will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with  
disabilities planning to attend the Advisory Council meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72  
hours before the meeting. Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting  
agenda and distributed by the County to a majority of members of the Advisory Council less than 96 hours prior  
to that meeting are available for public inspection at 1340 Arnold Drive, Suite 200, Martinez, during normal  
business hours. Staff reports related to items on the agenda are also accessible on line at  
work day prior to the published meeting time.  
For Additional Information Contact: Audrey Montana (MHSA Clerk) at (925) 313-9525 or email  
Welcome – Review Working Agreement, Intros  
• Announcements  
• Review and approve minutes  
(MHSA Staff) (Call to Order) (10 minutes)  
Information: MHSA Advisory Council Meeting Materials 8.1.2024  
• Public Hearing for 24-25 AU on 8/7  
• Public Comments Received  
(MHSA Staff) (Information and Discussion) (5 minutes)  
Behavioral Health Director Report Out  
• Status of Peer Respite / Oak Grove Campus  
• Peer Certification Classification update  
• Other items  
(Dr. Suzanne Tavano) (Information and Discussion) (25 minutes)  
Psychiatric Advanced Directives (PADs) – Next Phase  
(Kiran Sahota, CEO Concepts Forward, PADs Project Manager)  
(Information and Discussion) (25 minutes)  
SPIRIT Applications Class of 2025  
(Office of Peer and Family Empowerment)  
(Information and Discussion) (15 minutes)  
Public Comment / Plus Delta  
(MHSA Staff) (Information and Discussion) (10 minutes)  
(MHSA Staff)  
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 3, 2024  
Staff Support:  
Jessica Hunt  
Jennifer Bruggeman, Genoveva Zesati  
Audrey Montana  
Helpful MHSA Advisory Council Meeting Information:  
o MHSA Orientation: Please contact MHSA staff directly for questions and materials.  
o Instructions for public comment and stakeholder input: MHSA Advisory Council welcomes and encourages  
public participation in its meetings. This time is reserved for members of the public to address topics that are on  
the agenda. Guests are asked to make their comments brief and may be asked not to exceed two minutes. For  
agenda items, public comment will be invited at the time those items are addressed. Each interested party is to  
indicate their interest at the request of the facilitator upon conclusion of Committee discussion of each item.  
Time is allotted on the agenda for public comment on matters that do not pertain to a specific agenda item.  
Working Agreement:  
The counsel and advice of all participants is highly valued in planning and evaluating Mental Health Services  
Act (MHSA) funded programs and services. To provide a space for all voices to be expressed in a productive,  
safe and respectful environment, the following governance agreements have been adopted:  
1. Come prepared to discuss the published agenda items and handouts.  
2. We are committed to starting and finishing on time. Please help by being on time, speaking to the topic at  
hand and returning from breaks on time.  
3. Turn your cell phone ringers off; take any calls outside and away from the entrance.  
4. Avoid providing any distractions, such as side bar conversations.  
5. Wait to be recognized before speaking and keep your comments brief.  
6. Please identify to the group your perspective, affiliation or potential conflict of interest if you are  
participating in discussions that lead to group positions or recommendations.  
7. When internal group decisions need to be made, such as MHSA Advisory Council or sub-committee  
governance issues, members will attempt to reach consensus, or, if necessary, decide by a simple majority. For a  
group position or recommendation made through the MHSA Advisory Council to Contra Costa Behavioral  
Health Services, participants may be asked if they support, do not support, or do not wish to take a position. The  
number of MHSA Advisory Council members and non-members in each response category should be reported.  
8. It is okay to disagree politely and respectfully, as different perspectives are welcomed and encouraged.  
9. Please refrain from criticizing in a negative manner a specific person or agency during the meeting and in  
group communications. Outside of the meeting please speak to the staff supporting the meeting for assistance in  
having your concerns heard and addressed through the appropriate channels.  
10. An individual may be asked to leave should they behave in a manner that threatens the safety of our group  
members or does not honor the terms of this working agreement.