Meeting Minutes  
Area P-2A (Blackhawk) Citizens Advisory  
6:00 PM  
Tuesday, October 8, 2024  
Blackhawk Country Club  
Lakeside Clubhouse, 599 Blackhawk Club  
Drive, Danville  
Meeting in the Ladies Lounge  
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the  
Call to Order  
Ronald Banducci, Andrew Cohan, Robert Durr, Bruce Gekko, and  
William Lipsin  
Linda Kralik, and Linda Vaughn  
Vin Mathur  
Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda  
(speakers may be limited to two minutes).  
No public comments.  
Approve Record of Actions for September 10, 2024 meeting.  
A motion was made by Banducci, seconded by Gekko, that this item be approved. The  
motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Term Expirations  
Carol reviewed the committee members whose terms are expiring. Linda Kralik, Ron Banducci, Dr.  
Mathur and Bill Lipsin were identified as affected members. Applications to be on the P2A committee  
should be submitted to Supervisor Andersen's office by October 31, 2024.  
Chief of Police Report  
1. Chief of Police Report for prior month activities (August 2024)  
a. 361 calls; 14 reports; 3 felonies; 2 misdemeanors; 2 arrests.  
b. The felonies were:  
i. A stolen vehicle was stopped, and the driver was arrested after  
embezzling the vehicle from U-Haul.  
ii.A resident reported an identity theft. The case has been forwarded to  
forwarded to Investigations.  
c. The misdemeanors included:  
Another resident also reported an identity theft situation. This was  
i. A female was contacted at a residence and found to be in violation of a  
domestic violence restraining order. The female was arrested and booked  
at Martinez Detention Facility.  
ii.A resident reported that he was a victim of a restraining order violation  
when he was contacted via phone. The case has been referred to  
Misdemeanor Complaints for charges.  
d. There were two arrests - one for felony #1 (above) and misdemeanor #1 (above).  
e. No incidents of interest to report.  
f. Volunteers in Policing: 15 hours served by 4 volunteers.  
g. Blackhawk Police Services will participate in the Drug Enforcement Agency’s  
National Prescription ‘Drug Take Back Day’ on October 26 (10 a.m.-2 p.m.) to take  
back prescription medications/no needles. A reminder email will be distributed  
via the various Blackhawk Homeowner Associations.  
h. Blackhawk Police Services is preparing for another busy Halloween. The  
intersection of Blackhawk Dr. and Deer Trail Dr. will be closed and monitored by  
deputies throughout the night. Only residents will be allowed entry/exit through  
the closure. Deputies will also be monitoring the area for golf cart violations to  
ensure that the required lighting for night driving, please refrain from using it.  
Keep in mind all drivers must have a valid driver’s license and all passengers need  
to have an actual seat, (no standing/sitting on wheel wells, front ends, etc.).  
Whether driving a passenger vehicle or golf cart, the Blackhawk Police will be  
ensuring that speeds are kept to a minimum to help keep pedestrians safe.  
i. “Coffee with the Chief” is scheduled for October 16 at the corner of Blackhawk  
Drive and Blackhawk Meadow Drive.  
Homeowners Association Report  
Nothing to report.  
Blackhawk Country Club Report  
Nothing to report.  
CHP Report  
Nothing to report.  
Old Business: Update committee regarding HOA presentation for budget allocation  
The committee was updated regarding preparing a presentation to the HOA Board to discuss budget  
New Business: Committee member's opportunity to request future agenda items  
-Utilizing Zoom for public attendees.  
-Clarifying the role of the Blackhawk Security Services and Blackhawk Police in handling specific  
The next meeting is currently scheduled for November 12, 2024 at 6:00pm  
Adjourn 7:00pm  
The Committee will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend  
the Committee meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting. Any  
disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by  
the County to a majority of members of the Committee less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are  
available for public inspection at 309 Diablo Road, Danville, CA, during normal business hours. Staff  
comment may be submitted via electronic mail on agenda items at least one full work day prior to the  
published meeting time.  
For Additional Information Contact: Carol Mascali, District Representative, Contra Costa County,  
District II, or 925-655-2300.