MARTINEZ, CA 94553  
Tuesday, January 16, 2024  
9:00 AM  
Supervisor John Gioia, District I  
Supervisor Candace Andersen, District II  
Supervisor Diane Burgis, District III  
Supervisor Ken Carlson, District IV  
Supervisor Federal D. Glover, District V  
Clerk of the Board (925) 655-2000  
The public may attend the Board meeting in person and remotely via call-in or Zoom. Board meetings are  
televised live on Comcast Cable 27, ATT/U-Verse Channel 99, and WAVE Channel 32, and can be seen live  
Persons who wish to address the Board during public comment or with respect to an item on the agenda may  
comment in person or may call in during the meeting by dialing 888-278-0254 followed by the access code  
843298#. A caller should indicate they wish to speak on an agenda item by pushing "#2" on their phone. Persons  
who wish to address the Board in person should complete the form provided for that purpose. Access via Zoom  
Zoom should indicate they wish to speak on an agenda item by using the “raise your hand” feature in the Zoom  
app. To provide contact information, please contact Clerk of the Board at or  
call 925-655-2000. A Spanish language interpreter is available to assist Spanish-speaking callers. If the Zoom  
connection malfunctions for any reason, the meeting may be paused while a fix is attempted. If the connection is  
not reestablished, the Board will continue the meeting in person without remote access.  
Public comments generally will be limited to two minutes per speaker. In the interest of facilitating the business  
of the Board, the total amount of time that a member of the public may use in addressing the Board on all agenda  
items is 10 minutes. Your patience is appreciated.  
A lunch break or closed session may be called at the discretion of the Board Chair. Staff reports related to open  
1. Agency Negotiators: Monica Nino.  
Employee Organizations: Public Employees Union, Local 1; AFSCME Locals 512 and 2700; California Nurses  
Assn.; SEIU Locals 1021 and 2015; District Attorney Investigators’ Assn.; Deputy Sheriffs Assn.; United Prof.  
Firefighters I.A.F.F., Local 1230; Physicians’ & Dentists’ Org. of Contra Costa; Western Council of Engineers;  
United Chief Officers Assn.; Contra Costa County Defenders Assn.; Contra Costa County Deputy District  
Attorneys’ Assn.; Prof. & Tech. Engineers IFPTE, Local 21; and Teamsters Local 856.  
2. Agency Negotiators: Monica Nino.  
Unrepresented Employees: All unrepresented employees.  
1. Deborah Lodge-Oden v. Contra Costa County, WCAB No. ADJ11402892  
2. Nancy Marchitiello v. Contra Costa County, WCAB No. ADJ12009673  
3. Elianna Esquivel, a minor, by and through her Guardian ad Litem, Amy Colwell v. County of Contra Costa;  
Contra Costa County Superior Court, Case No. C21-01863  
4. Elizabeth McKnight v. East Bay Municipal Utility District, et al.; Contra Costa County Superior Court Case  
No. C21-01085  
5. Eliana Serrano and Hilel Vargas v. County of Contra Costa; Contra Costa County Superior Court, Case No.  
Initiation of litigation pursuant to Gov. Code, § 54956.9(d)(4): [One potential case.]  
Title: Employment and Human Services Director  
E. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (Gov. Code, § 54957)  
Title: Public Works Director  
Inspirational Thought-  
"We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." ~ Dr. Martin  
Luther King Jr.  
CONSIDER CONSENT ITEMS (Items listed as C.1 through C.98 on the following  
agenda) – Items are subject to removal from Consent Calendar by request of any  
Supervisor. Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be considered with the  
Discussion Items.  
PR.1 PRESENTATION proclaiming January 2024 as Positive Parenting Awareness Month. (Supervisor  
PR.2 PRESENTATION proclaiming January 2024 as Eligibility Worker Month in Contra Costa County.  
(Marla Stuart, Employment and Human Services Director)  
PRESENTATION proclaiming January 2024 as Human Trafficking Prevention Month in Contra Costa  
County. (Diana Becton, District Attorney)  
HEARING on the itemized costs of abatement for property in  
unincorporated Contra Costa County, located at 412 Market Ave.,  
Richmond, California (Yantin Zhang, Owner). (Jason Crapo, Conservation  
and Development Department).  
HEARING on the itemized costs of abatement for property in  
unincorporated Contra Costa County, located at 541 Chesley Ave.,  
Richmond, California (Gupta Rupa K Tre, Owner). (Jason Crapo,  
Conservation and Development Department)  
HEARING to consider the proposed formation of Zone 1617 within  
County Service Area P-6 (Police Services) and adoption of Resolution No.  
2024-7 to form the zone, for Subdivision No. 9338 in the Alamo area of  
the County, County File #CDSD13-09338. (Jennifer Cruz, Department of  
Conservation and Development)  
HEARING to consider adoption of Resolution No. 2024-8 and Ordinance  
No. 2024-01, authorizing the levy of a special tax for police protection  
services in Zone 1617 of County Service Area P-6 for Subdivision No.  
9338 (County File #SD13-09338) in the Alamo area of the County, and  
fixing an election on March 19, 2024, to obtain voter approval. (Jennifer  
Cruz, Department of Conservation and Development)  
CONSIDER accepting the monthly update on the activities and oversight  
of the County's Head Start Program, and provide guidance. (Marla Stuart,  
Employment and Human Services Director)  
HEARING to consider adopting Resolution No. 2024-23, to amend the  
General Plan to create a Housing Element Consistency land use  
designation and to redesignate sites listed in the Housing Element Sites  
Inventory; adopting Ordinance Nos. 2024-02 and 2024-03 to establish a  
Housing Element Consistency zoning district to enable residential  
development consistent with the County’s Housing Element and to rezone  
parcels listed in the Housing Element Sites Inventory to the Housing  
Element Consistency zoning district; and taking related actions, as  
recommended by the County Planning Commission. (Joseph Lawlor,  
Department of Conservation and Development)  
CONSIDER certifying the Final Revised Environmental Impact Report,  
adopting findings, adopting the mitigation monitoring and reporting  
program and statement of overriding considerations, and taking related  
actions for the Phillips 66 Rodeo Renewed Project (State Clearinghouse  
#2020120330). (Joe Lawlor, Department of Conservation and  
RECEIVE the Sheriff's Oversight Report for the quarter ending December  
31, 2023. (David Livingston, Sheriff-Coroner)  
CONSIDER consent item previously removed.  
D.10 PUBLIC COMMENT (2 Minutes/Speaker)  
D.11 CONSIDER reports of Board members.  
11:00 A.M.  
Contra Costa County 46th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration and Humanitarian of the Year  
Awards Ceremony  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Director of Airports, or designee, to  
execute an amendment to the October 21, 2022, Consulting Services  
Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., to increase the  
payment limit by $189,911 to a new payment limit of $637,799 and  
extend the contract term from December 31, 2023, to June 30, 2024,  
for work associated with the Buchanan Field security upgrade project.  
(100% Airport Enterprise Fund)  
Board of Supervisors  
ACCEPT Board members meeting reports for December 2023.  
ACCEPT the 2023 Annual Report for the East Richmond Heights  
Municipal Advisory Council, as recommended by Supervisor Gioia.  
Board Standing Committees (referred items)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Conservation and Development  
Director, or designee, to apply for and accept an amount not to exceed  
$420,515 from the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Caltrans Sustainable  
Transportation Planning Grant program to conduct the Bay Point  
Enhanced Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Study, as  
recommended by the Transportation, Water, and Infrastructure  
Committee. (11.47% required in-kind match: 50% Road Fund and  
50% Measure J Fund)  
ACCEPT a report from the Behavioral Health Division of the Contra  
Costa Health Department addressing various mental health service  
updates, as recommended by the Family and Human Services  
ACCEPT a report from the Behavioral Health Division of the Contra  
Costa Health Department on efforts to support the mental health needs  
of children and adolescents, as recommended by the Family and  
Human Services Committee.  
ACCEPT the 2023 Annual Report of the Internal Operations  
Committee of the Board of Supervisors and APPROVE disposition of  
referrals, as recommended by the Committee. (No fiscal impact)  
Clerk of the Board  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-9 recognizing MLK Day 2024 Student  
Humanitarian Robi Tozulahmad, as recommended by the MLK  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-10 recognizing MLK Day 2024 Student  
Humanitarian Noor Tozulahmad, as recommended by the MLK  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-11 recognizing MLK Day 2024  
Humanitarian Willie Mims, as recommended by the MLK Committee.  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-12 recognizing MLK Day 2024 Student  
Humanitarian Vedant Kathrani, as recommended by the MLK  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-13 proclaiming January 2024 as Human  
Trafficking Prevention Month in Contra Costa County, as  
recommended by the District Attorney.  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-14 proclaiming January 2024 as Positive  
Parenting Awareness Month, as recommended by Supervisor Glover.  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-15 proclaiming January 2024 as  
Eligibility Worker Month in Contra Costa County, as recommended by  
the Employment and Human Services Director.  
APPOINT Cheryl Katz to the District I seat on the Fish and Wildlife  
Commission for a term ending on February 28, 2024, as recommended  
by Supervisor Gioia.  
APPOINT Randall Henderson to the District 1 Seat on the Contra  
Costa County Fire Protection Commission for a term ending on  
February 28, 2026, as recommended by Supervisor Gioia.  
APPOINT Fred Page to the District 1, Alternate Seat for the Contra  
Costa County Library Commission for a term ending on June 30, 2024,  
as recommended by Supervisor Gioia.  
REAPPOINT Robert Sarmiento to the Contra Costa County Primary  
seat and Jerry Fahy to the Contra Costa County Alternate seat on the  
Contra Costa Transportation Authority's Countywide Bicycle and  
Pedestrian Advisory Committee with terms that will expire on  
December 31, 2025, as recommended by the Conservation and  
Development and Public Works Directors.  
ACCEPT the resignation of Audra Carrion, DECLARE a vacancy in  
the At-Large Seat 1 on the Family and Children’s Trust Committee, for  
a term ending September 30, 2024, and DIRECT the Clerk of the  
Board to post the vacancy.  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Clerk-Recorder, or designee, to  
execute a contract with SOE Software Corporation (dba Scytl) in an  
amount not to exceed $100,000 to provide website hosting and  
election night reporting services for the period January 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2025. (100% General Fund)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Clerk-Recorder, or designee, to  
execute a contract amendment effective January 1, 2024 with  
Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., to extend the term through December  
31, 2026 and increase the payment limit by $2,500,000 to a new  
payment limit of $10,250,000 for electronic voting system equipment  
and services. (100% General Fund)  
Conservation & Development  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Conservation and Development  
Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Stantec  
Consulting Services, Inc., to extend the term through December 31,  
2024 and increase the payment limit by $135,552 to a new payment  
limit of $721,388 for the preparation of an Environmental Impact  
Report for the Phillips 66 Rodeo Renewed Project. (100% project  
application fees)  
County Administration  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-16 to reallocate the salaries of two (2)  
classifications, the Clerical Supervisor (JWHF) from salary plan and  
grade K6X 1290 ($5,344.49 – $6,825,13) to salary plan and grade K6X  
1340 ($5,615.733 - $7,171.525) seven steps and the Supervising  
Assessment Clerk (JWHC) from salary plan and grade K6X 1282  
($5,302.32 – $6,771.28) to salary plan and grade K6X 1340  
($5,615.733 - $7,171.525) seven steps.  
ADOPT a Side Letter between Contra Costa County and IFPTE, Local  
21, amending Section 13 - Probationary Period of the Memorandum of  
Understanding between the parties to extend the probationary period  
for select classifications.  
ACKNOWLEDGE the results of the verification procedure showing at  
least fifty one percent support of employees in the unrepresented  
Research and Evaluation Manager (APHB) classification to be  
represented by the International Federation of Professional and  
Technical Engineers, Local 21; and FORMALLY RECOGNIZE  
IFPTE, Local 21 as the majority representative of the Research and  
Evaluation Manager (APHB) classification and the inclusion of the  
classification into the existing Supervisory Unit Effective February 1,  
2024, as recommended by David Sanford (Chief of Labor Relations).  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the allocation of $124,568 from the  
Crockett Co-Generation Property Tax Allocation for four projects, as  
recommended by the Crockett Community Foundation and Supervisor  
Glover. (100% General Fund)  
ACCEPT as complete the antenna replacement project work required  
by the demolition of the tower at 651 Pine Street as part of the  
Administration Demo and Redevelopment (ADR) project and  
AUTHORIZE the release of retention in the amount of $55,802.25 for  
that completed work. (100% General Fund)  
County Counsel  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Counsel, or designee, to  
execute an agreement, in an amount not to exceed $5,000 annually, to  
participate in a coalition of commercial and public airports affected by  
per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to share information  
related to pending multi-district litigation in federal court in South  
Carolina. (100% Airport Enterprise Fund)  
Employment & Human Services  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services  
Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with General  
Datatech LP, to increase the payment limit by $72,365 to a new  
payment limit of $365,680 to purchase additional services for  
ServiceNow’s cloud-based information technology help desk  
management system to replace a system purchased in 2014, and to  
extend term through July 31, 2025. (59% Federal, 35% State, 6%  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on  
behalf of the Employment and Human Services Department,  
Information Technology Unit, a purchase order with CDW-G, in an  
amount not to exceed $310,989 to procure approximately 369 Fujitsu  
Scanners for the period January 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024. (59%  
Federal, 35% State, 6% County)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on  
behalf of the Employment and Human Services Department,  
Information Technology Unit, a purchase order with OmniPro LLC, in  
an amount not to exceed $275,065 to procure approximately 225  
personal computers for the period January 17, 2024 through June 30,  
2024. (100% Federal)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services  
Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Exemplar  
Human Services LLC, to increase the payment limit by $198,000 to a  
new payment limit not to exceed $1,323,000, and extend the term  
through June 30, 2024, to continue providing performance  
management consulting and analytic services. (59% Federal, 35%  
State, 6% County)  
ACCEPT the 2023 Annual Report of the Contra Costa County  
Advisory Council on Aging as recommended by the Employment and  
Human Services Director.  
Fire Protection District (BOS)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, ACCEPT a report from the Fire Chief providing a  
status summary for ongoing Fire District activities and initiatives. (No  
fiscal impact)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, ACCEPT the 2023 Annual Report of the Advisory  
Fire Commission, as recommended by the Fire Chief. (No fiscal  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Fire Chief, or  
designee, to execute a contract with the Moraga-Orinda Fire District,  
in an amount not to exceed $165,000, for the provision of firefighter  
training effective January 1, 2024. (Cost neutral)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Fire Chief, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Recon Performance Physical  
Therapy, in an amount not to exceed $1,250,000, for the development  
of physical therapy and strength training programs for Fire District  
personnel for the period January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026,  
including the potential of two one-year extensions through December  
31, 2028. (100% CCCFPD General Fund)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the design and bid  
documents for the Contra Costa Regional Fire Communications Center  
remodel project; the solicitation of bids; the publishing of the Notice to  
Contractors; and the sending of notices to construction trade journals.  
(No fiscal impact)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Fire Chief, or  
designee, to execute, on behalf of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, a purchase and sale agreement to purchase the real  
property at 4491 Bixler Road, Byron, from Contra Costa County for  
$1,800,000 for use as a Wildland Fire Center, and to execute  
acceptance of a grant deed and related documents; and  
Contra Costa County Fire Protection District (7300): APPROVE  
Budget Amendment No. BDA-24-00002 appropriating fund balance of  
$1,800,000 for the purchase of County property for use as a Wildland  
Fire Center. (100% CCCFPD general fund balance)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Fire Chief, or  
designee, to accept grant funding and execute associated documents,  
from the State of California Legislative Pass-through, in an amount not  
to exceed $2,500,000 for Firefighter Peer Support and Crisis Referral  
Pilot Programs. (100% State)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Fire Chief, or  
designee, to execute a change order with Golden State Fire Apparatus  
and increase the payment limit by $200,000 to a new payment limit of  
$5,200,000 for the manufacture and sale of six (6) Type I fire engines.  
(100% CCCFPD General Fund)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Fire Chief, or  
designee, to purchase a used tractor-drawn aerial apparatus in an  
amount not to exceed $200,000 for driver training. (100% CCCFPD  
General Fund)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire  
Protection District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing  
Agent, on behalf of the Fire Chief, to execute a purchase order with  
Stryker Sales, LLC, for the purchase of fifteen LifePAK defibrillators  
and accompanying equipment. (100% CCCFPD EMS Transport Fund)  
Health Services  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Virtual Radiologic Professionals  
of California, P.A., in an amount not to exceed $2,025,000 to provide  
teleradiology services for Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and  
Health Centers for the period January 17, 2024 through January 16,  
2027. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute an agreement from the California Department of  
Public Health, to pay the County an amount not to exceed $1,834,833  
for lead poisoning prevention and outreach services for children for the  
Public Health Division’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention  
Project for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. (100%  
State, no County match)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute contract with the California Office of Traffic  
Safety, to pay County in an amount not to exceed $202,692 for the  
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program for a countywide Vision Zero  
roadway safety education campaign for the period October 1, 2023  
through September 30, 2024. (100% State, no County match)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to  
execute, on behalf of the Health Services Director a purchase order  
with NTT America, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $26,582, and  
related agreements for the purchase of Infoblox software and hardware  
maintenance for the period from October 30, 2023, through October  
29, 2024. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Iryna Falkenstein, M.D., in an  
amount not to exceed $2,010,000 to provide ophthalmology services at  
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the  
period February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2027. (100% Hospital  
Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to  
purchase, on behalf of the Health Services Director, gift cards and  
transportation vouchers totaling an amount not to exceed $16,600 for  
Adolescent Family Life Program within Public Health’s Family,  
Maternal, and Child Health Programs for the period from January 1,  
2024 through June 30, 2026. (100% California Department of Public  
Health funds)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with William J. Glenski, M.D. (dba  
WJGlenski), in an amount not to exceed $1,300,000 to provide  
radiology services at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and  
Health Centers for the period January 1, 2024 through December 31,  
2025. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Michael C. Gynn, M.D., in an  
amount not to exceed $1,650,000 to provide general surgery services at  
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the  
period January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025. (100% Hospital  
Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with ATBA, LLC (dba North Point  
Post-Acute), in an amount not to exceed $600,000 to provide skilled  
nursing facility services for Contra Costa Health Plan members and  
county recipients for the period January 1, 2024 through December 31,  
2025. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute on behalf of the County a contract with John Muir  
Health (dba John Muir Physician Network), in an amount not to  
exceed $50,000,000, to provide primary care, medical specialist  
physician, outpatient therapy services and diagnostic imaging and  
laboratory services for Contra Costa Health Plan members for the  
period January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025. (100% Contra  
Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with East Bay Pediatrics, Inc. (dba East  
Bay Pediatric Primary Care Inc.), in an amount not to exceed  
$450,000, to provide pediatric primary care services to Contra Costa  
Health Plan members for the period February 1, 2024 through January  
31, 2027. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract amendment with Kan-Di-Ki, LLC (dba  
TridentCare), effective January 15, 2024, to increase the payment limit  
by $100,000 to a new payment limit of $200,000 to provide additional  
on-site diagnostic imaging services at Martinez Adult Detention  
Facility and West County Detention Facility in Richmond with no  
change in the term ending August 31, 2025. (100% County General  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute an amendment with Hobbs Investments, Inc. (dba  
AM-TRAN), to increase the payment limit by $275,000 to a new  
payment limit of $887,000 and extend the term from January 31, 2024  
to July 31, 2024 for the provision of additional courier services. (100%  
Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract amendment with Behavior Treatment &  
Analysis, Inc., effective January 1, 2024, to increase the payment limit  
by $5,200,000 to a new payment limit of $10,400,000 to provide  
additional behavioral health treatment – applied behavioral analysis  
services with no change in the term July 1, 2023 through June 30,  
2025. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Braden Partners, L.P. (dba Pacific  
Pulmonary Services), in an amount not to exceed $300,000 to provide  
durable medical equipment services and related supplies of oxygen  
equipment for Contra Costa Health Plan members and county  
recipients for the period February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2027.  
(100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Caban Resources LLC, in an  
amount not to exceed $468,744 to provide tumor and cancer registry  
and oncology interim management services for Contra Costa Regional  
Medical Center and Health Centers, for the period January 1, 2024  
through December 31, 2026. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with PerformRx, LLC, in an amount  
not to exceed $50,000,000 to provide pharmacy program  
administration services for the Contra Costa Health Plan for the period  
January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025. (100% Contra Costa  
Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract amendment with Initha R. Elangovan,  
M.D., effective January 1, 2024, to increase the payment limit by  
$230,000 to a new payment limit of $1,980,000 to provide additional  
pulmonary services at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and  
Health Centers with no change in the term ending March 31, 2026.  
(100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract, on behalf of the County, with the  
Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the University of  
California, San Francisco School of Medicine, in an amount not to  
exceed $480,000 to provide remote neurology and neurovascular  
consultation services for patients at Contra Costa Regional Medical  
Center and Health Centers for the period from January 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2026. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Usha Murphy, M.D., in an amount  
not to exceed $1,900,000 to provide radiology services at Contra Costa  
Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period January 1,  
2024 through December 31, 2026. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Healthflex Home Health Services,  
in an amount not to exceed $300,000 to provide home health care  
services for Contra Costa Health Plan members and county recipients  
for the period February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2027. (100%  
Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Sierra Health and Wellness  
Centers LLC (dba New Start Recovery Solutions), in an amount not to  
exceed $300,000 to provide substance abuse rehabilitation services to  
Contra Costa Health Plan Members for the period January 1, 2024  
through December 31, 2026. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan  
Enterprise Fund II)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Michael P. Sherman, M.D., Ph.D.,  
A Medical Corporation (dba Contra Costa Oncology), in an amount  
not to exceed $2,100,000 to provide oncology and hematology services  
to Contra Costa Health Plan members and county recipients for the  
period February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2027. (100% Contra  
Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with San Ramon Regional Medical  
Center, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 for the provision  
of acute inpatient and outpatient hospital services for Contra Costa  
Health Plan members for the period January 1, 2024 through  
December 31, 2024. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract amendment with Metropolitan Van and  
Storage Inc., effective October 1, 2023, to modify the rates and  
services for moving and storage services of heavy furniture and  
equipment at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health  
Centers, with no change in the payment limit or term. (100% Hospital  
Enterprise Fund I)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Bright Heart Health Medical  
Group, A Medical Corporation, in an amount not to exceed $300,000  
to provide behavioral telehealth services to Contra Costa Health Plan  
members and county recipients for the period January 1, 2024 through  
December 31, 2026. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with the Contra Costa County Office of  
Education, in an amount not to exceed $360,000 to implement  
substance use disorder youth prevention programs, Friday Night Live  
and Club Live for schools in Contra Costa County for the period  
January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026. (100% Substance Abuse  
Block Grant)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with John Muir Health, Inc. (dba  
Community Health Improvement), in an amount not to exceed $3,000  
for County’s use of a mobile van to provide healthcare services to  
low-income families and individuals in Central, East and West Contra  
Costa County for the period January 1, 2024 through December 31,  
2024. (100% Federal Healthcare for the Homeless Grant)  
ACCEPT the 2023 Annual Report from the Hazardous Materials  
Commission, as recommended by the Health Services Director. (No  
fiscal impact)  
AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a  
contract with Bakersfield Rehabilitation Hospital, LLC, in an amount  
not to exceed $500,000 for the provision of inpatient rehabilitation  
facility services for Contra Costa Health Plan members for the period  
February 1, 2024 through January 31, 2025. (100% Contra Costa  
Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)  
ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 26258 to add one (1)  
Registration and Staffing Manager; cancel one (1) vacant Clerk-Senior  
Level; and decrease the hours of one (1) vacant Departmental Human  
Resources Analyst from full-time (40/40) to part-time (24/40) in the  
Health Services Department. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-17 and Position Adjustment Resolution  
No. 26259 to Cancel one (1) Web Producer position in the Health  
Services Department effective January 12, 2024, and activate the  
Tactical Employment Team program. (Cost neutral)  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-18 authorizing the Health Services  
Director, or designee, to submit a grant application to the Metropolitan  
Transportation Commission to pay the County an amount not to  
exceed $50,000 to provide safe walking and biking education for  
Contra Costa County residents under the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety  
Project for the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. (No County  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or  
designee, to execute a contract with Alvarez & Marsal Healthcare  
Industry Group, LLC, a limited liability company, in an amount not to  
exceed $400,000 to provide consultation and technical assistance to  
the Health Services Director, or designee, regarding strategy  
development for health system transformation, payment reform,  
compensation and human resources processes, subject to County  
Counsel and County Administrator approval, for the period January 1,  
2024 through December 31, 2026. (199% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)  
Human Resources  
ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 26256 to establish the  
classification of Social Services Program Assistant I (X0WD)  
(represented) at salary plan and grade 255 1001 ($5,079.29 -  
$5,333.26) in the Employment and Human Services Department. (59%  
Federal, 35% State, 6% County)  
ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 26076 to establish the  
Office of Reentry and Justice Program Manager classification  
(represented) and add one position in the Probation Department.  
(100% 2011 Public Safety Realignment, AB 109)  
Information and Technology  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Information Officer, or  
designee, to execute a contract amendment with Robert Half  
International, Inc., to increase the payment limit by $2,000,000 to a  
new payment limit of $12,000,000 and extend the term through June  
30, 2024 to provide temporary technical support staffing. (100% User  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Information Officer, or  
designee, to execute a contract with DocuSign, Inc., under the existing  
Master Services Agreement dated December 15, 2020, in an amount  
not to exceed $225,000 to provide DocuSign eSignature Enterprise Pro  
licenses for electronic signature services for the period of December  
15, 2023, through July 14, 2025. (100% User Departments)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Librarian, or designee, to  
execute a contract with Authority Patrol in an amount not to exceed  
$350,000 to provide security services for the period February 1, 2024  
through January 31, 2027. (100% Library Fund)  
Public Works  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works director, or designee,  
to execute a contract with Kleinfelder, Inc. in an amount not to exceed  
$900,000 to provide on-call materials testing and inspection services,  
for the period January 16, 2024 through January 15, 2027 at various  
County facilities projects, Countywide. (100% Various Funds)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works director, or designee,  
to execute a contract with Smith-Emery of San Francisco, Inc. in an  
amount not to exceed $900,000 to provide on-call materials testing and  
inspection services, for the period January 16, 2024 through January  
15, 2027 at various County facilities projects, Countywide. (100%  
Various Funds)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works director, or designee,  
to execute a contract amendment with Noll & Tam Architects,  
effective January 16, 2024, to increase the payment limit by  
$1,000,000 to a new payment limit of $1,750,000 for on-call  
architectural services, with no change to the contract term,  
Countywide. (100% Various Funds)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee,  
to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Contra Costa  
Transportation Authority, in an amount not to exceed $26,000 for  
subscription services to StreetLight Data, Inc.’s database of geospatial  
materials for traffic and transportation analysis purposes, for the period  
November 22, 2023 through July 20, 2024, Countywide. (100%  
Measure J Funds)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee,  
to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of San  
Ramon to pay the City $20,000 to participate in the San Ramon Valley  
Street Smarts Program for the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024,  
San Ramon area. (90% Livable Communities Trust Funds and 10%  
Local Road Funds)  
Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Flood  
Control and Water Conservation District, APPROVE and  
AUTHORIZE the Chief Engineer, or designee, to execute an access  
and stockpiling license agreement with Tesoro Refining & Marketing,  
LLC, to enable the Flood Control District to access, at no charge, real  
property located between Waterfront Road and Lower Walnut Creek in  
Martinez, for the purpose of stockpiling sediment materials connected  
to the Walnut Creek Desilting Project, Concord/Martinez areas. (No  
fiscal impact)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee,  
to execute a contract amendment with West Coast Electric Service  
Company, Inc., to increase the payment limit by $200,000 to a new  
payment limit of $2,200,000 and extend the term through January 31,  
2025, for electrical testing, maintenance and repair services,  
Countywide. (100% User Departments)  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-19 ratifying the prior decision of the  
Public Works Director, or designee, to fully close a portion of Yale  
Avenue, between Stanford Avenue and Cambridge Avenue, and  
Vassar Avenue, between Yale Avenue and Kentucky Avenue on  
January 9, 2024, from 7:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., for the purpose of  
a utility pole replacement and tree trimming, Kensington area. (No  
fiscal impact)  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-20 approving and authorizing the Public  
Works Director, or designee, to fully close all of Acacia Road,  
Studebaker Road, Garden Court, Carrol Place and a portion of El  
Curtola Boulevard between Juanita Drive and Kinney Drive and  
Juanita Drive between Freeman Road and Boulevard Way, on  
February 1, 2024 through May 31, 2024, from 7:00 a.m. through 5:00  
p.m., for the purpose of installing a water main, service transfer, and  
appurtenances, Walnut Creek area. (No fiscal impact)  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-21 granting a pipeline franchise to  
Crimson Pipeline, LLC pursuant to the terms and conditions of County  
Ordinance No. 2013-19 and County Resolution No. 2013/305 for  
pipelines located in the unincorporated area of the County near  
Pacheco, Clayton, and Byron, as recommended by the Public Works  
Director. (100% Pipeline Franchise Fees)  
Risk Management  
DENY claims filed by John Okeefe and Sabas Segovia.  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Director of Risk Management, or  
designee, to execute a contract amendment with Tuell & Associates,  
Inc. to increase the payment limit by $750,000 to a new payment limit  
of $1,500,000 for workers’ compensation and risk management  
staffing services and extend the term through January 31, 2025. (100%  
Workers' Compensation and General Liability Internal Service Funds)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on  
behalf of the Sheriff-Coroner, a purchase order with Dooley  
Enterprises, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $500,000 for the purchase  
of ammunition for the period January 1, 2024 through December 31,  
2026. (100% General Fund).  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to  
execute a contract amendment with Flock Group, Inc., to increase the  
payment limit by $97,800 to a new payment limit of $168,000, and to  
extend the term date from September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2028,  
for the provision of a hosted software system for automatic license  
plate reader cameras in County Service Area P-2B. (100% County  
Service Area P2-B Alamo Funds)  
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to  
execute a contract amendment with Flock Group Inc., to increase the  
payment limit by $15,300 to a new payment limit of $50,400, and to  
extend the term from September 30, 2024 to December 31, 2026, for  
the provision of a hosted software system for automatic license plate  
reader cameras in County Service Area P-5. (100% County Service  
Area P-5 Round Hill funds)  
Successor Agency  
ADOPT Resolution No. 2024-22 approving the Recognized Obligation  
Payment Schedule (“ROPS 24-25”) for the period July 1, 2024 through  
June 30, 2025, for the Contra Costa County Successor Agency, as  
recommended by the Conservation and Development Director. (100%  
Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund)  
The Board meets in all its capacities pursuant to Ordinance Code Section 24-2.402.  
Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by  
the Clerk of the Board to a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors less than 96 hours prior to that  
meeting are available for public inspection at 1025 Escobar Street, First Floor, Martinez, CA 94553, during  
normal business hours.  
All matters listed under CONSENT ITEMS are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by one  
motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a member of the Board before  
the Board votes on the motion to adopt. Each member of the public will be allowed two minutes to comment on  
the entire consent agenda.  
Persons who wish to speak on matters set for PUBLIC HEARINGS will be heard when the Chair calls for public  
testimony. Each speaker during public testimony will be limited to two minutes. After public testimony, the  
hearing is closed and the matter is subject to discussion and action by the Board. Comments on matters listed on  
the agenda or otherwise within the purview of the Board of Supervisors can be submitted to the office of the  
Clerk of the Board via mail: Board of Supervisors, 1025 Escobar Street, First Floor, Martinez, CA 94553 or to  
In the interest of facilitating the business of the Board, the total amount of time that a member of the public may  
use in addressing the Board on all agenda items is 10 minutes.  
Time limits for public speakers may be adjusted at the discretion of the Chair.  
The County will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board  
meetings who contact the Clerk of the Board at least 24 hours before the meeting, at (925) 655-2000.  
Anyone desiring to submit an inspirational thought nomination for inclusion on the Board Agenda may contact  
the Office of the County Administrator or Office of the Clerk of the Board, 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez,  
Subscribe to receive to the weekly Board Agenda by calling the Office of the Clerk of the Board, (925) 655-2000  
or using the County's on line subscription feature at the County’s Internet Web Page, where agendas and  
supporting information may also be viewed:  
Pursuant to Government Code section 84308, members of the Board of Supervisors are disqualified and not able  
to participate in any agenda item involving contracts (other than competitively bid, labor, or personal  
employment contracts), franchises, discretionary land use permits and other entitlements if the Board member  
received, since January 1, 2023, more than $250 in campaign contributions from the applicant or contractor, an  
agent of the applicant or contractor, or any financially interested participant who actively supports or opposes the  
County’s decision on the agenda item. Members of the Board of Supervisors who have received, and applicants,  
contractors or their agents who have made, campaign contributions totaling more than $250 to a Board member  
since January 1, 2023, are required to disclose that fact for the official record of the subject proceeding.  
Disclosures must include the amount of the campaign contribution and identify the recipient Board member, and  
may be made either in writing to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors before the subject hearing or by verbal  
disclosure at the time of the hearing.  
For more information please visit the Board of Supervisors Standing Committees page here:  
Airport Committee: January 22, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.  
Equity Committee: TBD  
Family and Human Services Committee: TBD  
Finance Committee: TBD  
Head Start Advisory Committee: TBD  
Internal Operations Committee: TBD  
Legislation Committee: TBD  
Los Medanos Healthcare Operations Committee: February 5, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.  
Public Protection Committee: TBD  
Sustainability Committee: TBD  
Transportation, Water and Infrastructure Committee: TBD  
AGENDA DEADLINE: Thursday, 12 noon, 12 days before the Tuesday Board meetings.  
Glossary of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and other Terms  
Contra Costa County has a policy of making limited use of acronyms, abbreviations, and industry-specific  
language in its Board of Supervisors meetings and written materials. For a list of commonly used language that  
may appear in oral presentations and written materials associated with Board meetings, please visit