Airport Committee
Supervisor Diane Burgis, Chair
Supervisor Ken Carlson, Vice Chair
Thursday, December 5, 2024
10:00 AM
181 John Glenn Drive, Suite 100,
Concord | 3361 Walnut Blvd., Suite 140,
Brentwood |
38 | Call in: 888-278-0254 Conference
code: 232255
Calling in: (214) 765 0478 or Toll Free (888) 278-0254
Conference code: 232255
The public may attend this meeting in person at either above location. The public may also attend this
meeting remotely via Zoom or call-in.
Persons who wish to address the Committee during public comment on matters within the jurisdiction
of the Committee that are not on the agenda, or who wish to comment with respect to an item on the
agenda, may comment in person, via Zoom, or via call-in. Those participating in person should offer
comments when invited by the Committee Chair. Those participating via Zoom should indicate they
wish to speak by using the “raise your hand” feature in the Zoom app. Those calling in should indicate
they wish to speak by pushing *9 on their phones.
Public comments generally will be limited to two (2) minutes per speaker. In the interest of facilitating
the business of the Committee, the total amount of time that a member of the public may use in
addressing the Committee on all agenda items is 10 minutes. Your patience is appreciated.
Public comments may also be submitted to Committee staff before the meeting by email or by
voicemail. Comments submitted by email or voicemail will be included in the record of the meeting but
will not be read or played aloud during the meeting.
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the