Alamo Municipal Advisory Council
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
5:30 PM
309 Diablo Road, Danville; Zoom
Meeting ID: 945 7274 9834
Land Use Subcommittee
Roll Call and Introductions
Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda
(speakers may be limited to two minutes).
CDVR24-01056 – The applicant is requesting a Variance to achieve a lot line
adjustment that will increase the lot size of 1439 Vine Lane (Parcel B) and
decrease the size of 1450 Livorna Road (Parcel A). The lot line adjustment will
result in Parcel B having a substandard average width of 106-feet, where 105-feet
is the existing substandard average width. Parcel A will have the same
substandard average width of 100-feet before and after the lot line adjustment.
The area of Parcel A will be going from 25,536 square-feet to 21,562 square-feet,
and the area of Parcel B will be going from 21,529 square-feet to 25,503
square-feet. This application is not creating any variances to lot size or structure
setbacks. The address is 1439 Vine Lane. (Planner: Allison Seoane)
CDMS24-00014 – The applicant requests approval of a Vesting Tentative Map
for a minor subdivision to subdivide a 1.89-acre parcel into two lots, including a
new access driveway and other associated improvements. The address is: 10
Kemp Court, Alamo. (Planner: Joe Lawlor)
CDDP24-03044 – The applicant requests approval of a Development Plan Design
Review to determine if a new 4,621 square foot single family residence with an
attached 283 square foot one car garage and an attached 590 square foot two car
garage is consistent with the design guidelines of CDDP01-03061. The address is
438 Legacy Drive, Alamo. (Planner: Everett Louie)