APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to
execute, on behalf of the Public Works Director, a blanket purchase
order with Allied Waste Systems, Inc., in an amount not to exceed
$2,000,000, for waste disposal services at their landfill facility, for the
period of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027, Countywide.
(40% Local Road, 40% Flood Control, & 20% General Funds)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee,
to execute a Service Contract with Weigh of Life (WOL), a nonprofit
corporation, for the management of the County-owned property located
at 968 23rd Street in Richmond (the Property), for the period of October
15, 2024 through September 30, 2025, with a payment not to exceed
$2,500 per month; and to execute a License Agreement with WOL for
the nonexclusive use of the Property at no charge for the purpose of
providing activities related to health, wellness, education, and social
support to residents of West Contra Costa County. (100% General Fund)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee,
to execute a License Agreement authorizing the Veterans Memorial
Association of Richmond to use the meeting space at the County-owned
property located at 968 23rd Street, Richmond, for veterans’ meetings
and related activities. (No fiscal impact)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Engineer, Contra Costa County
Flood Control and Water Conservation District, or designee, to execute,
on behalf of the Contra Costa Clean Water Program, a contract
amendment with EOA, Inc., effective June 30, 2025, to adjust the rates
paid under the contract and extend the term through June 30, 2027, with
no change to the payment limit, to continue providing services in order
to maintain compliance with federal and state stormwater permit
requirements issued under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System Permit, Countywide. (No fiscal impact)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Engineer, Contra Costa County
Flood Control and Water Conservation District, or designee, to execute,
on behalf of the Contra Costa Clean Water Program, a contract
amendment with S. Groner Associates, Inc., effective June 30, 2025, to
adjust the rates paid under the contract and extend the term through June
30, 2027, with no change to the payment limit, to continue providing
services in order to maintain compliance with federal and state
stormwater permit requirements issued under the National Pollutant