accept allocations from the State of California, Department of Housing
and Community Development for the Transitional Housing Program
Round 6, Transitional Housing Program Plus Supplemental Round 4,
and the Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program Round 3 funding
in a total amount not to exceed $842,485 to be expended by June 30,
2027 upon execution of a fully executed agreement. (100% State)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to
execute on behalf of the Employment and Human Services Director, a
purchase order with General Data Tech, L.P., in an amount not to exceed
$84,048 for the purchase of Cisco Meraki Systems Manager Enterprise
Device License, for the period December 17, 2024 through December
16, 2027. (59% Federal, 35% State, 6% County)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services
Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with General
Datatech, LP, to increase the payment limit by $120,828 to a new
payment limit not to exceed $486,508 to purchase additional services for
the cloud-based ServiceNow Information Technology Help Desk
Management System and to extend term through December 31, 2025.
(54% Federal, 38% State, 8% County)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to
execute on behalf of the Employment and Human Services Director, a
purchase order with General Datatech, Limited Partnership, an
authorized re-seller, in an amount not to exceed $91,785, to procure
backup appliances and support from Rubrik, Inc., subject to the terms
and conditions of Rubrik, Inc.’s End User License Agreement, for the
period September 25, 2024 through September 24, 2025. (54% Federal,
38% State, 8% County)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to
execute on behalf of the Employment and Human Services Director, a
purchase order with General Datatech, in an amount not to exceed
$142,927 for the purchase of Palo Alto Networks Cloudgenix, subject to
Palo Alto Networks End User License Agreement, for the period
December 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. (8% County General Fund,
38% State, 54% Federal)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to
execute on behalf of the Employment and Human Services Director, a
purchase order and related agreement with Devolutions Inc., in an
amount not to exceed $24,000 for the purchase of remote desktop