Homeowner Association Report:
-Melissa Peralta spoke on behalf of the HOA and invited everyone to attend the upcoming HOA
meeting on April 7th – Teaming with SRFD to offer Personal Emergency Preparedness (PEP)
training at the Blackhawk Ball Room from 5-9pm. Fire Chief will be presenting. Open to all
homeowners and CC Members. More to come. Maybe evacuation plans. BHPD should attend to
support efforts as well as participate in the Evacuation Planning/ Discussions. Melissa Peralta
and the Fire Chief to drive the neighborhoods to survey the potential risks and determine the best
evacuation routes for residents.
In response to burglaries within the gates the past few years, HOA Installed plate scanners and
pulled footage from all coverages when the burglaries were occurring. Added cameras in areas
where suspects could come through “open space” areas. Extra patrols enacted during night.
Chief Schultz advised there was no indication that the suspects are living inside the gates.
The golf courses have cameras periodically, but not exactly sure where.
Blackhawk Country Club Report: No report
Old Business:
-Open P2A Position - 1 Alternate – still open looking for applicants
-Parcel Tax Increase - tabled for next 3 months
-P2A community outreach to other Blackhawk organizations; increase awareness & educate
community about the role & efforts Blackhawk Police: informal conversations with Blackhawk
Women’s Group and Blackhawk Choir. Brainstorming for who, how, and what, to engage
community groups. A formal request for action will be brought to the P2A Committee in March.
Looking into contact other HOAs under P2A jurisdiction.
New Business: Outreach proposal will be presented @ next meeting
The meeting was moved to adjourn. Motion by Linda Kralik, 2nd by Roger Guidi at 6:55pm. The next
meeting is currently scheduled for Tuesday, March 11, 2025.